
average woman in a sentence

1) The plus size industry was created to represent the average woman.

2) I'm just average woman with average concerns.

average collocations
3) That's pretty expensive for the average woman.

4) The average women should gain 15-30 pounds throughout the pregnancy.

average woman example sentences

5) The average woman really doesn't know jack about cellulite.

6) The average woman ate 183 pounds.

7) Does that mean the average woman or the average man are stupid?

8) Today the average fashion model weighs 23% less than the average woman.

9) Are there lots of average women in the movement as well?

10) So can sufficient calories per day for an average woman or man.

11) And the average women even longer.

12) Yes, but how would an average woman know this?

13) That translates into an extra 300 calories per day for the average woman.

14) They need more reassurance than the average woman and might require some cuddling.

example sentences with average

15) The average woman spends 30 years of her life trying not to get pregnant.

16) The average woman's lifetime risk for endometrial cancer is approximately 2–3%.

17) The average woman in Asia could expect to bear five children in her lifetime .

18) The average woman can not carry a 200 + lb buddy to safety if needed.

19) The average woman has 2.89 children which is below the state average of 3.47.

20) Fashion models' weight averaged only 8% less than the average women 20 years ago.

21) Also, many people earn less than the average man, and the average woman.

22) Since then, there has been an increasing disparity between mannequins and the average woman.

23) Our rationale is that we wished to study average women and not necessarily perfect physical specimens.

24) On average women speak about an octave higher then men or about 8 whole musical notes.

25) The association anticipates that an average woman will spend six to eight months under its supervision.

26) Perhaps its not the models getting thiner but it is the average woman getting larger ?

27) In 2010, the average man weighed 194.7 lbs; the average woman 164.7 lbs.

How to use average in a sentence

28) The average woman here has more than seven children, the highest fertility rate in the world.

29) The average woman moved the hair knot to the back of her head then down lower.

30) On average women typically live longer than men, although women are more likely to have bad health.

31) The average woman born at this time will get a state pension of £ 127 per week.

32) The average Israeli man works 45.2 hours a week, while the average woman works 35.5 hours.

33) Diamond revealed the average woman owns 19 pairs of shoes but regularly wears just seven pairs of them .

34) The average woman living in a rural area in India has little or no control over becoming pregnant.

35) Headmistresses and university teachers were anxious to show that their students proved as fertile as the average woman.

36) Your average man is going to have between 25 and 40% more muscle mass than your average woman.

37) Yes, she says, and that's why the book is filled with studies about average women.

38) The desire for "home protection" gave the average woman a socially appropriate avenue to seek out enfranchisement.

39) Not surprisingly, the same study found that the average woman is 22 pounds heavier than her 1965 counterpart.

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