
available resources in a sentence

1) Construction was dependent upon the available resources.

2) Activity splitting can facilitate more complete usage of available resources.

available collocations
3) Resource allocation originates from project scope and available resources.

4) Reserves are the most readily available resources.

available resources example sentences

5) Existing information and the available resources inevitably constrain every design.

6) Many available resources exist for finding firmware updates and supporting files.

7) It "found that human consumption had far outstripped available resources.

8) Then an assessment of all available resources is made.

9) This community arranged its affairs independently, with available resources.

10) These features enable the efficient use of available resources.

11) The war tied up all other available resources.

12) All available resources are to be devoted to armaments.

13) It is only replicated if there are available resources .

14) The school is structured to meet cultural needs and match available resources.

example sentences with available

15) Measures were introduced to localize these cases using locally available resources.

16) resources Identify the available resources for your program.

17) To ensure the optimum use of the available resources.

18) Arts Outreach Team newsletter and list of available resources.

19) Using available resources, students research the climate of Nebraska.

20) D. that more output could be produced with available resources.

21) The answer comes down to the available resources at the site.

22) We can also tell those at risk about available resources.

23) InnovaPrep made significant use of available resources .

24) Most companies waste 70%-90% of their available resources.

25) How you consider available resources and possible outcomes before making your decision.

26) The medical problem is directly related to the inadequacy of available resources.

27) One strong reason for outsourcing is the lack of available resources locally.

How to use available in a sentence

28) Most gender-specializing care providers are familiar with treatment and available resources.

29) Uninterrupted conflicts drained all available resources, energies and populations.

30) Aetna expects to finance the acquisition with available resources.

31) Populations growing exponentially can quickly outstrip available resources.

32) Mere self-defence meant the fullest possible mobilization of all available resources.

33) D: use triage and base patient care on available resources.

34) The current water use is about 1% of the available resources.

35) He promised that all available resources would be mobilised.

36) In stable ecosystems, equilibrium exists in the use of available resources.

37) Current Internet access prices exceed the available resources by large in many countries.

38) Between 30 and 40 people took advantage of the available resources each month.

39) Increased knowledge of available resources for funeral directors and survivors of suicide loss.

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