
availability time in a sentence

1) System availability and response times may be subject to market conditions.

2) The best price guarantee is subject to availability and times of date.

availability collocations
3) In developing countries, constraints on agricultural biochar relate more to biomass availability and production time .

4) Measures of availability and response times at the Bank's main frame computer are also taken each month.

availability time example sentences

5) But I also talk about the sort of parenting behaviors that require nothing more than a little patience, emotional availability, and time .

6) We ask that you contact us directly and visit our stores to confirm information about pricing, color, features, dimensions, availability and special order lead times .

7) However, there are people like me who have the ability, the drive, and the will, but do not have the program availability, the time, nor the money to devote 5-10 years earning a degree.

8) Any estimates given are subject to change and are dependent on time and method of payment, product availability, and turnaround times of shipping companies.

9) Key factors that affect seasonal reproduction include the length of the wet season, subsequent food availability, and the maturation time of the species.

10) Asked why Surface Pro took so long to appear, Panoy said it was a matter of people, availability, and time .

11) From the lexicographers' point of view, however, system performance will be judged mainly in terms of system availability, terminal response times, and turnaround of print requests.

12) (Please check the availability and time )

13) A summary of the methods proposed for measuring availability, terminal response times, and turnaround of print requests is given below:

14) Selection of biometric based on user requirement considers Sensor availability, Device availability, Computational time and reliability, Cost, Sensor area and power consumption

example sentences with availability

15) " Sylvain, on the other hand, felt that the decision was based on availability, time, and money: "It wasn't a long list.

16) Keeping in mind cost, availability and development time, we compared Perl, C/C++/Java, WebObjects (an Apple product) and PHP.

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