
autographed picture in a sentence

1) Still no word from Pamelyn if she'll be making available those autographed pictures.

2) Ho, however, asked for the minor favor of an autographed picture of Chennault.

3) From him I received an autographed picture, a paper weight, and a letter of commendation.

4) Pamelyn has e-mailed and said she's working on a way for you to get autographed pictures.

autographed picture example sentences

5) Folks at the courthouse, where Stephen works as an attorney, have since asked him for autographed pictures of his son.

6) Take Smolens, who has an autographed picture of Motley Crüe on his wall and who as a teenager once jammed with Slash of Guns N' Roses and C.C. Deville of Poison.

7) When they're allowed to keep the storyboards, they pass them around as if they got an autographed picture of Orson Welles.

8) I felt like I was in the presence of a famous celebrity - he even gave me an autographed picture (featured below).

9) Block rushed over to the hotel serving as Eisenhower's headquarters, only to see Hope's entire group descending the stairs, each with an autographed picture of the General.

10) Noel Shempsky (Patrick Kerr) is a painfully geeky Trekkie who keeps an autographed picture of William Shatner as Captain Kirk on his desk and is fluent in Klingon.

11) He continued to appear on the stage when he could, and decorated the walls of his rooms with autographed pictures of actresses.

12) After killing Scorpion, Cage drops an autographed picture of himself near his remains, in a reference to his Friendship move in "MKII".

13) Behind Ober were autographed pictures of his idols, game show hosts such as Eubanks, Bob Barker, Bill Cullen, Bert Convy, Monty Hall, and Tom Kennedy.

14) In 1980, while visiting a one-mile stretch of St. Louis, Wanderone had to double his order of autographed pictures after he was stopped thirty-seven times.

example sentences with 0

15) An autographed picture of Bow is offered as a consolation prize of a beauty contest in the 1931 George Gershwin musical "Of Thee I Sing".

16) The art book contains artwork of the manga in watercolor, examples of storyboards for the film, autographed pictures by Hayao Miyazaki and interviews on the birth of Nausicaä.

17) In addition to having an autographed picture of Streisand in her office, Ayers also has a cross-dressing friend who dresses up to resemble Streisand throughout the film.

18) By 1945, the Browns had slipped to third, though notably, they employed one-armed outfielder Pete Gray, whose autographed picture hangs in my office.

19) She signed hundreds of autographed pictures for fans, and may decide to offer the same pictures by mail, if you missed the convention.

20) did anyone else get an autographed picture of the president and First Lady that was personally autographed?

21) Over the 2006-07 season, Baskett becomes Peoples' favorite player and, for his birthday, he receives an autographed picture of Baskett. [ 19 ]

22) " He always has a monogrammed three-paneled mirror on-hand, which includes an autographed picture of himself that flips out of the middle mirror.

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