
auto rickshaw in a sentence

1) auto rickshaws are commonly used for small distances.

2) auto rickshaws are the popular mode of local commuting.

auto collocations
3) The city is also served by auto rickshaws .

4) auto rickshaws and taxis are also available.

auto rickshaw example sentences

5) In addition, the neighbourhood is served by private auto rickshaws .

6) auto rickshaws have had a history of displaying political statements.

7) auto rickshaws are common mode of transport in Gujarat.

8) Pakistan has passed a similar law prohibiting auto rickshaws in certain areas.

9) Intra city transport is primarily through auto rickshaws .

10) rickshaws pulled by men and auto rickshaws are commonplace.

11) Also metered, they are generally more expensive than auto rickshaws .

12) auto rickshaws and cycle rickshaws are also popular.

13) Another type of rickshaw is the auto rickshaw .

14) The auto rickshaws used in the attack were purchased by Samiullah.

example sentences with auto

15) Three-wheeler auto rickshaws are available on metered fare basis.

16) auto rickshaws on meter is available to travel within city along with taxis.

17) auto rickshaws are available for getting around the city at fairly reasonable rates.

18) The fares of taxis and auto rickshaws are same that of Mumbai.

19) Other transport is trekkers, autos, rickshaws and mini buses.

20) auto rickshaws are said to be the lifeline of the city.

21) auto rickshaws and cycle rickshaws are allowed to operate in this city.

22) Within each node, the auto rickshaw is the preferred mode of transportation.

23) Bulk of the public transport constitute of auto rickshaw and cycle rickshaw.

24) auto rickshaws are a major means of transport for travelling within the city.

25) In city, mainly auto rickshaws and rickshaws are primary mode of transport.

26) Intra-city transport comprises Cycle rickshaws and auto rickshaws .

27) Bandra is the last southern point from Mumbai where auto rickshaws ply.

How to use auto in a sentence

28) He wove dexterously around auto rickshaws, buses, bikes and cars.

29) They are of the same design as traditional auto rickshaws in other countries.

30) auto rickshaws are cheaper than taxis.

31) Public transportation today is provided for by buses, auto rickshaws and local trains.

32) auto rickshaws are commonly available at a nominal fare for commuting inside the city.

33) Public transport includes cycle rickshaws, auto rickshaws, local buses and tempos.

34) auto rickshaws (often called "autos") provide cheap and efficient transportation.

35) Motorized versions have also emerged, we then speak of auto rickshaws .

36) About 41,700 auto rickshaws run on LPG.

37) The team has also developed an inexpensive and simple retrofit kit for auto rickshaws .

38) You can take an auto rickshaw or a cycle rickshaw at cheap rates.

39) The Temple is only 10 minutes away from the bus stoppage by auto rickshaw .

40) CNG auto rickshaws are very popular mode of transport for short routes within the city.

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