
aurorae in a sentence

1) Jupiter demonstrates bright, persistent aurorae around both poles.

2) aurorae are classified as diffuse or discrete .

3) The aurorae of Saturn are highly variable.

4) Later in public speeches he attributed the phenomenon to aurorae.

aurorae example sentences

5) aurorae have not just been mistaken for dragons.

6) Auroras or aurorae are classified as diffuse and discrete.

7) ESA announced in June 2006 the discovery of aurorae on Mars.

8) The main ovals are the dominant part of the Jovian aurorae.

9) At Aurorae, they have having you need to find inner peace.

10) Imagine the sight of aurorae in our planet's atmosphere from space.

11) Saturn's magnetosphere, like Earth's, produces aurorae.

12) In the longer cycles I have used the Schove estimates based on aurorae.

13) The wind swirls around the Earth and its magnetic field, triggering spectacular aurorae.

14) From time to time either aurorae can assume a spiral shape instead of oval.

example sentences with aurorae

15) Energetic electrons entering its thin atmosphere are responsible for the observed Ganymedian polar aurorae.

16) Skywatchers have been told to be on alert for spectacular aurorae in darkened skies.

17) Google Page Rank Total Pageviews aurorae is a popular yoga u0026 spa e-retailer.

18) Uranus has relatively well developed aurorae, which are seen as bright arcs around both magnetic poles.

19) aurorae occur on other planets.

20) aurorae occur on other planets .

21) The magnetic field lines deflect the cosmic rays towards the poles, giving rise to the aurorae.

22) The Hubble Space Telescope has captured picture of aurorae on far away Neptune and Uranus .

23) I was lucky enough to receive a Aurorae's Soy Scented Candle to review.

24) aurorae in Australian Aboriginal Traditions.

25) The aurorae usually look like bright continuous circles (ovals) surrounding the poles of the planet.

26) If we count the frequency of aurorae we can go back to the year 1501.

27) These observations revealed a new plume at Tvashtar Paterae and provided insights into Io's aurorae.

How to use aurorae in a sentence

28) aurorae usually occur near the magnetic poles of planets, but Io's are brightest near its equator.

29) In the Northern and Southern pole regions of the Earth aurorae will be observable in the sky.

30) This one is aimed at Earth and may result in aurorae as early as Saturday night March 16 .

31) Saturn has bright polar aurorae, which have been observed in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared light.

32) The saturnian aurorae are more similar to those of the Earth, where they are also Solar wind driven.

33) Frequently, the Earth's magnetosphere is hit by solar flares causing geomagnetic storms, provoking displays of aurorae.

34) IPS Radio and Space Services issue event warnings on their web site and welcome confirmation of sightings of aurorae.

35) It induced currents strong enough to short out telegraph lines, and aurorae were reported as far south as Hawaii.

36) Unlike Jupiter's, Uranus's aurorae seem to be insignificant for the energy balance of the planetary thermosphere.

37) Unlike their terrestrial analogs, which appear only during magnetic storms, aurorae are permanent features of Jupiter's atmosphere.

38) This, in turn, causes aurorae and the disruptions to our telecommunications equipment, which rely upon electromagnetic forces.

39) Earth is struck by the largest solar storm since 2005, creating huge aurorae and potentially interfering with satellite communications worldwide.

40) Discoveries during the joint observations of Io revealed a new plume at Tvashtar and provided insights into Io's aurorae.

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