
audit committee in a sentence

1) Do external audit attend audit committee meetings?

2) Do internal audit attend audit committee meetings?

audit collocations
3) audit committees are already strongly recommended for public companies.

4) We assigned oversight responsibility to the audit committee.

audit committee example sentences

5) An audit committee can provide the necessary oversight.

6) Corporate audit committees can expect a busy fall.

7) The audit committee is concerned largely with information gathering and verification.

8) Many companies already identify audit committee members in the annual reports.

9) Enron's audit committee had more expertise than many.

10) Most AIM companies have an audit committee.

11) Ideally this should be achieved through the audit committee.

12) What duties fall to members of the audit committee?

13) The Commission is an advocate of effective and independent audit committees.

14) Good governance by the audit committee is a game of endurance.

example sentences with audit

15) The internal audit function reports to the audit Committee.

16) Also includes a draft audit committee Charter.

17) In 2012, the audit committee met five times.

18) Theobald had led Xerox's audit committee.

19) In addition, companies must provide certain disclosures about their audit committee.

20) B. The audit committee chairperson unexpectedly resigned during the year under audit.

21) Does the audit committee consider and advise on opportunities for co-operation?

22) Ms. Atkins is currently the audit committee chair at Spartan Stores.

23) There has to be a remuneration committee and an audit committee .

24) The resulting peer review report is made available to the audit Committee.

25) The membership also elects an independent, three-person audit committee.

26) The Environmental audit committee says making exceptions will cause confusion among shoppers.

27) Mr. Hicks is Chairman of the audit Committee.

How to use audit in a sentence

28) The audit committee currently comprises four non-executive Directors.

29) Do we need an audit committee?

30) Within two years, all listed companies should set up effective audit committees.

31) An audit committee member's role is more time-consuming and challenging than ever.

32) Almost as many thought that an independent audit committee should be legally required.

33) Company Secretary is the Secretary of the audit Committee.

34) The Supervisory committee is an independent audit Committee.

35) Lenovo created an audit committee and a compensation committee with non-management directors.

36) There is no communication requirement for communicating to the audit committee; 5.

37) I also present my findings to the audit committee at quarterly board meetings.

38) The audit committee's views on the proposed accounting treatment or auditor independence issue.

39) The auditing standard on communications between the auditor and audit committee should be expanded.

40) Most recently, the Commission and three major exchanges adopted important audit committee rules.

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