
audio conference in a sentence

1) audio conference calls are initiated in a similar way.

2) This page then becomes an active audio conference room on your PC!

audio collocations
3) MZA, Ltd. recognized its Range audio conferencing in 2010.

4) They sponsor periodic educational audio conferences which are nicknamed "CCL University".

audio conference example sentences

5) I open up my meeting invitation that contains only audio conference dial-in information.

6) See also, audio conferences.

7) Many of these services also support video and audio conferencing, chat functions and whiteboards.

8) The live audio conference will be held Thursday Feb. 17th at 11 a.m. CST.

9) Meetings are available by audio conference for members unable to travel to Denver for the meetings.

10) Continuing Education Certificates of Attendance will be issued to all registrants attending this audio conference.

11) Just as audio conferencing has become an office staple, so too are other platforms and services.

12) A web browser based audio conferencing solution is available for companies wishing to make an instant conference call.

13) Vidyo's revolutionary pricing model enables end users to get personal video conferencing at audio conferencing price points.

14) I also owe a debt to Matt Humphrey –he helped me with my first audio conference.

example sentences with audio

15) I do know, that once you start using VC, audio conferences seem like the stone age.

16) The hold music for our audio conferencing systems now includes top hits from cutting-edge artists at top record labels.

17) You can join an audio conference with a single touch, without having to remember passcodes or PINs.

18) Lost Phone Numbers Did you ever get a call in the first few minutes of an audio conference?

19) Use audio conference calls or web conferencing to take the one meeting you feel you just can't miss.

20) Also, credit union professionals can ask compliance questions during the Oct. 30 Pressing CU Compliance Issues audio Conference.

21) Clear Service Speaking of cell phones, did you ever listen to a conventional audio conference through your cell phone?

22) No More "Hiding" Behind a Screen Additionally, audio conferencing often leads to participants multitasking or getting distracted.

23) You can email, send an instant message call, or even join an audio conference with just one touch.

24) Let's look at three common faux pas during conventional audio conferences–and how web meetings help you avoid them.

25) This is a bridge that interconnects calls from several sources (in a similar way to the audio conference call).

26) A meeting may be conducted by audio conference or other electronic means, as long as the provisions of this subchapter are met.

27) The discussion got me thinking about laughter in the office I used to work in and even now during the audio conference calls and web conferences I'm in.

28) Anders Vinjar and Jean Bresson (Ircam) presents a paper at the Linux audio conference at ZKM, Karlsruhe, on the recent port of the OpenMusic computer-aided composition environment to Linux.

29) I held two days of audio conferencing sessions, both lasted 8 hours and then another on the third day that lasted about 5 hours.

30) He tried an audio conference in 2008, then a free webinar–in order to sell tax courses (he sold 4)–and got 25 attendees.

31) Both also said that they tried audio conferences and webinars before but, for different reasons–staffing, technology, promotion–it hadn't worked.

32) If audio will be conducted via an audio conference call, make sure all attendees have the access number to dial into and the PIN (Personal Identification Number) they will need to access the call.

33) Using audio conferencing solutions and web conferencing services, you're still going to be able to give your demo, cover project timelines, conduct training sessions or review strategies.

34) In many ways, a web-based conference is much better than an audio conference–the technology has myriad ways to compensate for human error.

35) And, even if you aren't sharing an office space, almost all of these can be applied to remote communications like audio conference, web conference or video conference calls.

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