
attribute in part in a sentence

1) The increase was attributed in part to growing international migration.

2) The obesity epidemic is attributed in part to reduced physical activity.

attribute collocations
3) The low turnout was attributed in part to poor voter registry maintenance.

4) Guinness' iconic stature can be attributed in part to its advertising campaigns.

attribute in part example sentences

5) This is attributed in part to immigrants who are not proficient in English.

6) This phenomenon has been attributed in part to foveal sparing in macular degeneration.

7) The results were attributed in part to an aggressive marketing campaign and major cost cutting measures.

8) The appearance of Carbapenem resistant enterobacteriaceae has been attributed in part to antibiotic use in livestock.

9) Sales of the products have been successful, attributed in part to the two-pronged digital campaign.

10) Other studies have found that increased tenure in renting can be attributed in part to rent control.

11) The company's difficulties were attributed in part to changes in the North American office supply market overall.

12) Studies suggest that this kind of inhibition can be attributed in part to GABA receptor-mediated synapses.

13) This difference has been attributed in part to the survival of Rapa Nui as a living language.

14) The excellent outcome in the patient presented here can be attributed in part to prompt and aggressive treatment.

example sentences with attribute

15) Early growth in Visalia can be attributed in part to the gold rush along the Kern River.

16) The peaceful atmosphere in Pullman and Hallidayboro can be attributed in part to the absence of alcohol.

17) This has been attributed in part to increasing births among Latin Americans, who usually do not circumcise.

18) The program's growth can be attributed in part to three laws that Congress passed over the last decade.

19) Automakers projected a 20% plunge in sales, which they attributed in part to the lowered speed limits.

20) This new view of the race can be attributed in part to Wehby's compelling "Trust" ad .

21) These two characteristics have been attributed in part to the consequences of the Cuban revolution for the island's elites.

22) These losses were attributed in part to Schlessinger's shift from giving relationship advice to lecturing on morality and conservative politics.

23) This can be attributed in part to Alan Greer who generated great Club spirit by insisting that all teams train together.

24) The state of decline can be attributed in part to the heavy taxes that the monasteries in Egypt had to endure.

25) The VPO's sound has been attributed in part to the VPO's instruments and in part to its playing styles.

26) Green lost the leadership of the PES in 1999, which was attributed in part to her handling of the incident.

27) The film's strong performance in Germany was attributed in part to a large marketing campaign and numerous premieres throughout the country.

How to use attribute in a sentence

28) Recent resistance to the reform draft proposals emanating from the G4 states can be attributed in part to this highly sensitive issue.

29) This succession of disasters may be attributed in part to the actual military superiority of the Tatars and others over the Russians.

30) The high cost of MBTs can be attributed in part to the high performance engine-transmission system and to the fire control system.

31) Though resistance to the gospel's spread in Myanmar can be attributed in part to opposition from Burmese authorities, ethnic prejudices among Christians also play a part.

32) A big-box retailer told us that more gift cards were being used for necessities this year than in the past--the change was attributed in part to higher energy costs pinching household budgets.

33) Leasing activity is down in Hartford in recent weeks, a fact attributed in part to usual seasonal patterns and in part to weak fundamentals.

34) The lower prices for the local items can be attributed in part to competitive pricing of zucchini and summer squash at farmers' markets.

35) This outlook can be attributed in part to the influence of Marcel Mauss, whose theory of gift exchange promoted the idea that human interaction is founded on mutual interest and peaceful transaction.

36) The show sold out its exhibit space – a first in the show's history – and attracted between 2,500 and 3,000 attendees, an increase over past shows that Hugger attributed in part to the new location.

37) This perception is extremely important in the political process and can be attributed in part to the fact that women don't throw as much "mud" in public.

38) His business flourished as soon as he began it in the 1980s, which he attributes in part to the rise of microwaveable products during that time.

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