
attract crowd in a sentence

1) The local leagues were extremely popular and attracted large crowds .

2) Both events attracted huge crowds and famous performers.

attract collocations
3) A workshop on tomato attracted a large crowd .

4) It attracts big crowds in the villages.

attract crowd example sentences

5) Their testimony attracted the largest crowds during the inquiry.

6) They attract crowds and are well received.

7) Shannon airport also attracted a varied crowd .

8) The displays were immensely popular and attracted a huge crowd .

9) The meeting attracted a large crowd of approximately six hundred participants.

10) St Joseph attracted large crowds and convened many.

11) The event attracts sold-out crowds every year.

12) Her opening performance attracted a crowd exceeding 60,000.

13) For some reason, tiny things always attract crowds .

14) DaszyƄki was a great speaker whose speeches attracted large crowds .

example sentences with attract

15) They started out in 1992 attracting enormous crowds of followers.

16) Cheap entry fees and a relaxed atmosphere attract a young crowd .

17) The paintings and other works attracted huge crowds in numerous cities.

18) The return of senior football to Derry attracted large crowds .

19) The event also attracts crowds to watch the exciting race.

20) The event has attracted crowds of nearly 200,000 people.

21) It attracted a crowd of roughly 2,500 .

22) It became popular in Japan, attracting crowds .

23) The Washington Monument attracted enormous crowds before it officially opened.

24) In general, they attract very large, lucrative crowds .

25) In 1880, big matches might attract crowds of 15,000.

26) Bengali metal gigs attract huge crowds and are sponsored by various organisations.

27) The 2006 festival attracted a crowd of around 25,000 people.

How to use attract in a sentence

28) The first women's match attracted a large crowd and interest.

29) Wherever he went, he attracted a crowd .

30) Neal is outraged, and their loud arguing attracts a crowd .

31) It annually attracts crowds of over 600,000 people.

32) It usually attracts a spectator crowd of more than 20,000.

33) It has attracted crowds of over 50,000 people.

34) The show is expected to attract a crowd of 600,000 visitors .

35) It attracts a large crowd of Muslims throughout the years.

36) It attracts an international crowd of anglers and surfers every year.

37) At first, McCain attracted small crowds and little media attention.

38) Some time the crowds attracted can be huge.

39) Farmers markets attract crowds on Saturday mornings and Thursday evenings.

40) A new arrival is attracting the crowds at a wildlife park.

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