
attract client in a sentence

1) And - I attract clients who naturally do too.

2) How do you build to attract clients in this industry?

attract collocations
3) Or you might attract clients because you're very smart and an innovator.

4) More recently, social networking services have become a common way to attract clients.

attract client example sentences

5) Follow these steps and you should find yourself attracting clients naturally to your business.

6) They do, however, dance in zig-zag swimming pattern to attract clients.

7) Networking and Cross Promotions Advertising alone doesn't form the pathway to attract clients.

8) Deciding and advertising a topic for each session in advance has seemed important in attracting clients.

9) Christie's Victoria friend Barclay Johnson said Christie has attracted clients who are not especially likable.

10) This has been important in pre-advertising agendas which in turn we believe is crucial to attracting clients.

11) Too much of it makes y 'all look like prostitutes trying so hard to attract clients.

12) When DFE ended I had an awesome eBook that's still awesome and helps me attract clients.

13) Another advantage is that ninja that took the exam might attract clients who are interested in hiring them.

14) Despite my best efforts, I can't seem to attract clients, so my earnings are nil.

example sentences with attract

15) It should also be reasonable for it to cover areas where your colleague has influence to attract clients away.

16) The Mail Order industry includes companies that use mail catalogs or TV programs to attract clients and display merchandise .

17) Marketing materials such as business cards and brochures can help you attract clients and make you look the part.

18) The girl regains her freedom only if she is sick, pregnant, or can no longer attract clients.

19) As writers trying to attract clients, we have to be cognizant of how our communication approaches are coming across.

20) This tradition is well known in Mexico and attracts clients from various walks of life, including businessmen and national level politicians.

21) Copies of your studio brochure, placed in music stores and other relevant sites can be a good way to attract clients.

22) The system is so flexible that you only need one of them to attract clients at trade shows, recruit talent at job fairs, raise awareness at industry expos.

23) Moreover, brokers often use it to attract clients to use their services, by constructing their sentences in such a way that a positive attitude and image toward the broker is created.

24) Down for the nine-count, through sheer tenacity and ingenuity, he came up with a clever way to attract clients to use his consulting services.

25) This is where shoddy companies become rich: they attract clients who have a weak sense of knowing what is justifiably viable for business and what is simply a fraudulent deal.

26) Simulmedia Makes Some Data Free to Shake Up TV (and attract clients) CBS may be network of the sitcom "2 Broke Girls," but it isn't cheap.

27) The two teams each divided themselves into two groups; one went out to market themselves and attract clients while the other got down to cleaning the cars that came through!

28) His made up surname "Goodman" is a play on words to better attract clients: "'S'all good, man!

29) Common stripe patterns in "Elacatinus" include yellow, green and blue; however, those possessing blue stripes were found to be most effective in attracting clients as well as deterring predators.

30) Initially he struggled to attract clients, but Henry Hicks became associated with the London General Omnibus Company and this connection gained his son much legal work.

31) Arcade games continued to use a variety of games with enhanced features to attract clients, such as motorized seating areas, interconnected games, and surround sound systems.

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