
atmosphere tense in a sentence

1) Newspapers made much of it and the atmosphere was tense .

2) The atmosphere is tense, even claustrophobic.

atmosphere collocations
3) The atmosphere is tense and the story is downright disturbing at times.

4) The atmosphere is tense, and Lebanese are jumpy.

atmosphere tense example sentences

5) When I reach Diouya-Dokin, the atmosphere is tense .

6) On the following day, the atmosphere was still tense with sporadic clashes.

7) The atmosphere was tense and all realised it was heads down for a full house.

8) The atmosphere is extremely tense .

9) The atmosphere is very tense .

10) The atmosphere was very tense .

11) Local elections are set to be held in nine days, and the atmosphere is tense .

12) However, the atmosphere was tense on the set, and he often argued with Szwarc.

13) The atmosphere was tense enough as it was, and I waved at them to calm down.

14) The atmosphere was tense but there was not the disruption from the gallery of a previous meeting .

example sentences with atmosphere

15) The atmosphere was tense .

16) The atmosphere was tense .

17) His problems were exacerbated, however, by Foscarini's book and the conservative backlash it had engendered in at atmosphere already tense because of Galileo's writings.

18) That morning, however, Rachel was only aware of the presence of the new medical officer and the atmosphere was tense and strained.

19) The atmosphere is mildly tense and will keep you guessing on what will happen next. the graphics and sound design are beyond stellar.

20) Some United fans had already caused trouble in the town during the morning and the atmosphere was tense as Leeds won the match by a single goal.

21) The next day, with the school's atmosphere still tense over this episode, Batiatus takes Varinia away to Crassus's house in Rome.

22) A key witness (the "tea boy") testified that when he entered the control room at 12:15am, prior to the disaster, the "atmosphere was tense and quiet".

23) The atmosphere was tense, and in the middle of the afternoon, gunfire broke out between the two sides; each side blamed the other for firing first.

24) At the harbour, where the relief food is off-loaded from the Red Cross and United Nations ships, the atmosphere is extremely tense .

25) The atmosphere was tense rather than mutinous and when Shola Ameobi gave the home side the lead against the run of play, the sour serious faces in the stands were replaced by smiles and cheers.

26) It was too soon to leave, the atmosphere was too tense, and it would have to become calm again or to revisit wouldn't be possible.

27) Generally, we recommend that the bill's primary author be from the democrat or independent party in states where the political atmosphere is tense .

28) "In the morning the atmosphere was very tense .

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