
alleged association in a sentence

1) Ziegler's alleged associations with the Gaddafi Prize has been the subject of criticism.

2) On March 25, 2011, the Swiss television channel Schweizer Fernsehen ran a report on Ziegler's alleged associations with Gaddafi.

association collocations
3) A Minneapolis pediatrician uses a technique of inserting her finger into the vagina and anus and stroking the clitoris in order to elicit alleged associations with prior experience.

4) Pediatricians and the Academy need to work with news media to encourage responsible reporting of alleged associations between vaccines and disorders of all types.

alleged association example sentences

5) This association, both through cause and effectiveness, with tectonically active regions may be significant in view of their alleged association with turbidity currents and chaotic deposits.

6) She did receive two post cards from Arcadi reporting his five years' sentence to an Arctic Circle concentration camp for alleged association with Trotskyists.

7) The alleged associations and origins of crystal skull mythology in Native American spiritual lore, as advanced by neoshamanic writers such as Jamie Sams, are similarly discounted.

8) Similarly, a two-year investigation, also launched on evidence from Cancemi, into Berlusconi's alleged association with the Mafia was closed in 1996.

9) com story Friday about Jackson's alleged association with gang members.

10) alleged associations","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1152471310},

11) " Fujimori's alleged association with death squads is currently being studied by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, after the court accepted the case of "Cantuta vs PerĂº".

12) com on Friday, stating that Jackson had an alleged association with members of a gang in Southern California, is causing many to weigh the risks of signing Jackson.

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