
Atlanticist in a sentence

1) He has very strong Atlanticist views.

2) But it is not only Great Britain that is Atlanticist.

3) Europe, or Atlanticist and Imperialist Europe?

4) Löwenthal was a strong advocate of closer European integration and of an Atlanticist orientation.

Atlanticist example sentences

5) Zapatero's predecessor, José María Aznar, defended a strong Atlanticist policy.

6) In January 2014, Huntsman was named chairman of the Atlanticist think-tank the Atlantic Council.

7) On foreign policy, PiS is Atlanticist and less supportive of European integration than Civic Platform.

8) Atlanticists attacked what they saw as a false parallelism in de Gaulle's treatment of the two superpowers.

9) Known to have a strong Atlanticist ideology, the People's Party fostered stronger ties to the USA.

10) A few Atlanticists, as one might term the doubters, decline to recognize or admit that such things exist.

11) The Atlanticist compromise was challenged from the Left by the new social movements which emerged in the aftermath of Vietnam.

12) I am very much an Atlanticist but one of a more robust kind than we have seen from the current government.

13) That's not exactly what hegemonic Atlanticists want to hear - still eager to frame the relationship in Cold War terms.

14) The election of Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) veteran Michael Foot to the leadership disturbed many Atlanticists in the Party.

example sentences with Atlanticist

15) The first is the traditionally Atlanticist orientation of Central European allies . The second is the future of Russia's foreign policy, especially in the country's vicinity.

16) But there is always a core group who prepares the conference in advance and the newcomers who are taught the Atlanticist rhetoric in vogue.

17) The Atlanticist press with no imagination dully applies the same cliches to Russia today that it once used against the USSR although the situation today is critically different.

18) And there will be (Western) boots on the ground - sooner rather than later, as the narrative is already being spun across Atlanticist corporate media.

19) Ministers agreed, however reluctantly, that Britain's own condition and the international environment as a whole required the continuance of Atlanticist policies.

20) Werritty was also appointed by Fox as the chief executive of the now disbanded conservative Atlanticist think-tank, "The Atlantic Bridge".

21) In the Atlanticist corner, meanwhile, apart from the UK were to be found Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, as well as Portugal and Denmark.

22) Berlusconi's II foreign policy was characterised by a strong Atlanticist trend, coupled with a positive attitude towards Putin's Russia and Erdogan's Turkey.

23) Hannan has a 'deep admiration' of the United States, and describes himself as an Atlanticist with inherently positive views of the United States as well as other English-speaking nations.

24) He supported Atlanticist Clarence Streit's proposal for a federal union of the world's major democracies, and the republican cause during the Spanish Civil War.

25) In contrast with most members of both CWF and Le Cercle, who hold pro-Republican Atlanticist views, he actively supported John Kerry in the US 2004 presidential election.

26) When PSOE came to power later that year, Solana and the party changed their previous anti-NATO positions into an atlanticist, pro-NATO stance.

27) During the administration of President Bill Clinton in the US, Pilger attacked the British-American Project as an example of "Atlanticist freemasonry.

28) Thatcherites and economic liberals in the party also tend to be Atlanticist, identifying strongly with the founding principles of the United States.

29) Adenauer was against Erhard's Atlanticist plans, telling him that "We must first solidify the European economic and political community before we even consider the question of an Atlantic community".

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