
aeroplane Collocations
aeroplane1) Mad model aeroplane enthusiasts practising ground attacks.
2) The aeroplane is being flown by remote control.
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aeroplane crash1) He survived an aeroplane crash during his first flight.
2) His father died in an aeroplane crash when Hill was 15.
more aeroplane crash sentences
aeroplane engine1) There was always that drone of aeroplane engines .
2) Early aeroplane engines had little power and light weight was very important.
more aeroplane engine sentences
aeroplane fly1) She recalled no aeroplanes flying over the heath.
2) French aeroplanes flew overhead, attacked German infantry and bombed trenches, roads and bridges.
more aeroplane fly sentences
aeroplane helicopter1) The models are a quad bike, aeroplane , helicopter and robot.
2) Remote-controlled aeroplanes and helicopters were something different .
more aeroplane helicopter sentences

aeroplanes1) He remembered aeroplanes since his earliest childhood.
2) I was doing my war work making aeroplanes .
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build aeroplane1) Away from the sport, he enjoys building light aeroplanes .
2) With the prize money he built a full size aeroplane based on his winning model.
more build aeroplane sentences
by aeroplane1) Some areas are accessible only on foot or by aeroplane .
2) In 1964 11,204 passengers disembarked by aeroplane .
more by aeroplane sentences
car aeroplane1) No disturbing noises from cars , aeroplanes or other technical machinery.
2) My research has impact on the design of racing cars and fuel-efficient aeroplanes .
more car aeroplane sentences
fly aeroplane1) flying an aeroplane in combat should be automatic.
2) You can move around as if flying an aeroplane .
more fly aeroplane sentences
get off the aeroplane1) If you travel to Japan, one major difficulty will loom at you as soon as you get off the aeroplane : the language problem.
more get off the aeroplane sentences
get on an aeroplane1) 'The Thing said it's a room where humans wait to get on an aeroplane ,' said Masklin.
more get on an aeroplane sentences

in an aeroplane1) His father died in an aeroplane crash when Hill was 15.
2) What if that got tangled up in an aeroplane passing?
more in an aeroplane sentences
model aeroplane1) There was also a model aeroplane suspended from the ceiling.
2) I'm into model aeroplanes , yes.
more model aeroplane sentences
on an aeroplane1) Have you ever been on an aeroplane ?
2) The person you sit next to on an aeroplane is a prospect.
more on an aeroplane sentences
paper aeroplane1) Just make a paper aeroplane out of it.
2) Paragliders and paper aeroplanes have no frames in their wings.
more paper aeroplane sentences

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