
Expressions - Collocations of the word " Asia "

" Asia "Collocations - Expressions
Africa Asia1) The type locality is given simply as Africa , Asia .
2) He travelled across Europe, Africa , Asia , South America.
more Africa Asia sentences
Asia1) Asia features many distinctive styles of architecture.
2) Asia has extremely diverse climates and geographic features.
more Asia sentences
Central Asia1) Central Asia absorbed cultural influences from the conflict.
2) NATO is already seeking an alternative route through Central Asia .
more Central Asia sentences
East Asia1) The harvest is plentiful throughout East Asia .
2) East Asia saw an increase of 35 percent.
more East Asia sentences
Europe Asia1) Album was published in Europe , Asia .
2) Its species are distributed in Europe , western Asia and Africa.
more Europe Asia sentences

Northeast Asia1) Northeast Asia , however, is less aware.
2) These changes necessitate a peaceful and cooperative order in Northeast Asia .
more Northeast Asia sentences
South Asia1) South-East Asia economic crisis starting from 1997.
2) It is confined to the forests of South-East Asia .
more South Asia sentences
Southeast Asia1) Southeast Asia has similar seasonal wind patterns.
2) Southeast Asia has also made remarkable progress.
more Southeast Asia sentences
Southwest Asia1) Oil is Southwest Asia's most important natural resource.
2) Programs on Central and Southwest Asia was created in 1997.
more Southwest Asia sentences
southeast Asia1) It is also widely cultivated in southeast Asia .
2) Betel leaves are cultivated throughout southeast Asia .
more southeast Asia sentences

Expressions with the word Asia

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