very much in a sentence

I like him very much.

I like dogs very much.

I like music very much.

He loved her very much.

He loves you very much.

I like skiing very much.

I like coffee very much.

I like oranges very much.

I like English very much.

He likes music very much.

I feel the cold very much.

I like swimming very much.

I like baseball very much.

She likes music very much.

She looks very much afraid.

He likes English very much.

I love my mother very much.

He is still very much alive.

He likes baseball very much.

I didn’t enjoy it very much.

Thank you very much, doctor.

I want to see him very much.

I want to see her very much.

He feels the cold very much.

I like her sister very much.

All of us like you very much.

I like French food very much.

I like sweet cakes very much.

I can’t play tennis very much.

His story amused us very much.

I like both of them very much.

My mother likes tea very much.

I don’t like cheese very much.

I like green peppers very much.

We enjoyed ourselves very much.

I respect my teacher very much.

I love my grandmother very much.

My father likes pizza very much.

I like chocolate candy very much.

I like classical music very much.

She is very much like her mother.

I was very much annoyed with him.

I missed you very much yesterday.

He resembles his father very much.

My family liked the dog very much.

I don’t think she cares very much.

His speech impressed us very much.

I value your friendship very much.

I don’t care for flowers very much.

He likes that video game very much.

Rural life appeals to me very much.

She wants to become thin very much.

Thank you very much for inviting me.

His success encouraged me very much.

I do not like mathematics very much.

She doesn’t like baseball very much.

Thank you very much for your present.

Long skirts are very much in fashion.

She likes to play the koto very much.

His kind words comforted me very much.

Nara is a city which I like very much.

I don’t care for television very much.

I was very much surprised at the news.

I enjoyed myself very much last night.

The child missed his mother very much.

In general, she doesn’t eat very much.

He is very much interested in biology.

I was very much afraid in the airplane.

She reminds me very much of her mother.

I am very much pleased with my new maid.

I like taking care of animals very much.

I’m very much in favor of cutting taxes.

Thank you very much for coming to see me.

He was very much disappointed at the news.

Now, Tom depends on his parents very much.

Although old, he is still very much alive.

Thank you very much for all you have done.

Thank you very much for your geus donation.

I am very much obliged to you for your help.

Now that he has gone, we miss him very much.

So for we have enjoyed our journey very much.

I like both plays in our anthology very much.

To tell the truth, I don’t like her very much.

I am very much attached to this old straw hat.

Thank you very much for your time on the phone.

Thank you very much for your hospitality today.

We missed you very much at the party yesterday.

He is very much interested in Japanese history.

The way he looked at me irritated me very much.

Thank you very much for your thoughtful present.

Thank you very much for your hearty hospitality.

Frankly speaking, I don’t care for her very much.

She likes the beautiful pearl necklace very much.

I enjoyed talking with you this evening very much.

His suggestions are always very much to the point.

He’s very much interested in the Japanese language.

He is very much ashamed of having behaved so badly.

I enjoyed myself very much at the party last night.

It seems that he was very much amused by the story.

He arrived an hour late, which annoyed me very much.

The way he walks reminds me very much of his father.

He devoted himself very much at the party yesterday.

I enjoyed myself very much at the party last evening.

Up to the present we have enjoyed our trip very much.

I very much like going to parties and meeting people.

She did not buy the dress, which she liked very much.

As is usual with a sailor, he likes liquor very much.

She enjoyed herself very much at the party yesterday.

He is very much concerned about the future of his son.

My mother likes tulips very much and so does my sister.

I was very much surprised by her sudden change of mind.

I am looking forward very much to the school excursion.

My father is very much involved in the stock market now.

Thank you very much for the wonderful dinner last night.

He arrived half an hour late, which annoyed us very much.

My father bought me a watch, which I don’t like very much.

I would very much appreciate receiving a copy of the book.

Her sister I like very much, but her brother I do not like.

He has a twin brother, but they don’t look very much alike.

Thank you very much for everything.

You are welcome.

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