
almost obscene in a sentence

1) Arms possession is therefore viewed as something menacing, almost obscene .

almost collocations
2) The amount of time and detail spent on the packaging is almost obscene .

3) I replied using an almost obscene name and said it was like it said on the web and named a price.

almost obscene example sentences

4) As for how to use up those zucchini pickles, far be it from us to tell you what to do, though we heartily recommend this almost obscene Bacon Manchego Burger .

5) It seemed to me shocking that they should engage in such a crude, almost obscene activity in public, and I would watch them with fascinated repulsion.

6) The muscling of the shoulders and especially the thighs is almost obscene but the small-boned carcass and large body produce an abundance of lean meat.

7) Some horrible and quite unexpected revelation could persecute the miscreant henceforth forever with an almost obscene haunting."

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