trays in a sentence

Use ‘trays’ in a sentence | ‘trays’ example sentences

1- Two combustion trays stacked above ash tray .

2- The lunch was served on those “prison” dish trays .

3- The simplest method for processing sheet film is using trays .

4- The products include vases and ash trays .

5- These might include brush boxes or trays .

6- For meals are delivered on individual airline style trays .

7- The frame is conveniently located almost directly below our battery trays .

8- Standard ice cube trays are one ounce cubes.

9- Book bags are stored in trays inside the classroom.

10- Returning trays or drawers into appropriate spaces.

11- This allows air to circulate through the trays .

12- The patient wears the trays for 14 nights.

13- This fills two good sized ice cube trays .

14- Mix ingredients together and freeze in ice cube trays .

15- The technology for production of nursery seedlings using pro trays .

16- I also designed a case containing six trays .

17- A set of four drive trays was supplied with each machine.

18- There was another onslaught on the drinks trays .

19- Both surfaces are laid out on interlocking trays .

20- All trays received the same amount of water.

21- The trays are produced by capturing starch generated from washing potatoes .

22- Ice cube trays are the perfect part sizes for babies.

23- Toy shops in those days kept special trays of penny toys.

24- The chef leaves trays of homemade treats for guests between meals.

25- Another option is to find some shallow plastic trays .

26- Spread in thin layers on drying trays .

27- Most standard Chinese fare is presented in large steam trays .

28- It began using disposable plastic glases and snack trays .

29- Make shorter containers for the storage drawers and trays .

30- We save empty vaccine trays to use for catching urine samples.

31- When we were forced to abandon our breakfast trays ?

32- There should also be non alcohol only drink trays .

33- I have designed two trays each divided into five little compartments.

34- Radiation fields allows the inclusion of wedge and trays .

35- Rather, multiple 3D objects are printed together in large trays .

36- Individual molds are connected exactly like the old ice cube trays were .

37- Thought these thick rope handled clear Lucite trays were really awesome.

38- The plants are thus set out on wicker trays indoors.

39- Greek and etrurian trays reveal much earlier settlements than expected.

40- The trays are stackable for a secondary heat process . These little plastic trays we bought will slot into any size drawer.

41- An airline executive once said, “Coffee stains on the flip-down trays mean (to the passengers) that we do our engine maintenance wrong.

42- “The chairman of a major airline once remarked that coffee stains on the flip-down trays mean to the passengers that we do our engine maintenance wrong.

43- 841208This conjures up the image of one of those old TV dinner trays.

44- 446300Keep in the steamer trays and use slightly warm or at room temperature.

45- “All trays are automatically taken to an area outside of the food court to be disinfected.”

46- Two lunch trays at a primary school in London are served during a lunch break on Tuesday, May 6, 2014.

47- ;Aluminum Aluminum is used to manufacture foils, wraps, bags, containers, and trays.

48- She sees Lauri, and the concert in the mirrors on the walls, which causes her to make mistakes and drop trays.

49- The enclosure can accommodate two 3.5-inch drives, which are mounted on trays above the system module.

50- OSHA Standard Interpretations 12/22/2005 – Use of passing trays and single-handed scalpel blade remover in a surgical setting.

More Sentences: 12
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