sweets in a sentence

Use ‘sweets’ in a sentence | ‘sweets’ example sentences

1- The dessert menu features several homemade sweets made daily.

2- I cut little pieces off bars and sweets .

3- Keep sweets under five servings a week.

4- This is actually three ounces of sweets .

5- We never saw sweets in those days .

6- A Bengali meal is incomplete without sweets .

7- People light fires and distribute sweets and cakes.

8- These patients also begin craving carbohydrates and sweets .

9- Which contains the greater number of sweets ?

10- Another experiment involved two sets of six sweets .

11- I love olive oil in sweets and frozen desserts.

12- Choose fewer calories from fats and sweets .

13- There once was a boy who loved eating sweets .

14- Get rid of sweets and salty snacks.

15- Reduce visual cues for sweets you crave.

16- A child of eight had killed for sweets .

17- The first course alternated between sweets and rice preparation.

18- Typical sweets are also made with squash seeds.

19- Moreover sweets were a luxury in 1914.

20- People visit each other and exchange sweets .

21- Tripoli is globally recognized for its special sweets .

22- Lots of beautiful and rather pricey sweets .

23- The sweets are sold all year long .

24- Children behaviour changes within minutes of eating certain sweets and products .

25- Many sweets and baked goods contain high levels of trans fats .

26- There are also many kinds of sweets .

27- Eating five sweets , such as jelly babies.

28- Belinda sucked sweets and read Tennyson aloud.

29- Erm bottled fruit, biscuits, sweets .

30- They prefer sweets and often tend honeydew producing insects.

31- The garden and grounds are a deserted wilderness of sweets .

32- Swedes do love their sweets and caffeine.

33- I could live on sweets for days.

34- We eat more sweets to get a serotonin hit.

35- Just avoid making the focus on sweets to keep things healthy.

36- He always asked for sweets from his father.

37- One soldier stood surrounded by children distributing sweets to them.

38- When your sugar levels are low you will crave sweets .

39- For me actually the sweets and desserts worked best.

40- We would rather children did not bring sweets to school. He likes sweets.

41- My sister likes sweets.

42- He can’t resist sweets.

43- I allow myself no sweets.

44- She is partial to sweets.

45- He had cut down on sweets.

46- Taste the sweets of success.

47- I have a fondness for sweets.

48- He has tasted the bitters and sweets of life.

49- I am getting fat because I eat a lot of sweets.

50- The dentist doesn’t want you to eat sweets.

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