student in a sentence

student meaning:

n.) A person engaged in study; one who is devoted to learning; a learner; a pupil;

n.) One who studies or examines in any manner; an attentive and systematic observer;

student sentence:

The clever student finished the test quickly.

The teacher scolded the student for no reason.

She calculates as quickly as any other student.

Each boy student has a school badge on his cap.

He is by far the cleverest student in the class.

He is older than any other student in his class.

Any student in our college can use the computer.

She studies as hard as any student in her class.

He is as intelligent as any student in the class.

The teacher took notice of the student’s mistake.

The teacher caught the student sleeping in class.

Make a student cram for the entrance examination.

The teacher caught a student cheating in the exam.

If you study hard, you will become a good student.

A clever student can answer such a question easily.

He found it difficult to live on his student grant.

He is a student who I am teaching English this year.

I don’t know whether he is a college student or not.

She is a student from Canada, staying with my uncle.

Each student has to hand in a composition every week.

He’s a student who I’m teaching English to this year.

She made a great discovery while yet a young student.

My sister is twentyone years old and a college student.

The student council discussed plans for the graduation.

I am corresponding with an American high school student.

I used to stay up late when I was a high school student.

He is quick to find fault with the student’s penmanship.

When I was a student, I used to go to that pizza parlor.

He is an industrious student to the best of my knowledge.

I’m not a university student, but I’m brighter than them.

He is a young man who impresses you as a typical student.

He speaks English as fluently as any student in his class.

He is often taken for a student because he looks so young.

The teacher wrote a short comment on each student’s paper.

She is a better singer than any other student in her class.

No other student in the class is so brilliant as he is.

He studies harder than any other student does in his class.

Her classmates elected her president of the student council.

At first he had difficulty telling one student from another.

The student handed the examination papers in to the teacher.

As far as I know, he is the shortest student in this school.

The teacher marched the student into the principal’s office.

Every student trusts Mr Akai because he never breaks his word.

The teacher crouched down to talk to her kindergarten student.

He and I have been inseparable friends since our student days.

The student brushed by his friends and ran into the classroom.

He comes to school earlier than any other student in the class.

The student thought that the teacher’s criticism was too harsh.

I passed the examination, and I’m going to be an honor student.

She is a very intelligent student, and is able to learn quickly.

The young man who is talking with John is a student from Canada.

She rents the room to a student for seventy thousand yen a month.

Many airline companies offer reduced rates for student travelers.

The school was evacuated after a student phoned in a bomb threat.

Each student had to memorize ten verses from the poem as homework.

Shanti shares an apartment with another student at the university.

Nobuko was the student representative for her class last semester.

I was shocked when the teacher patted a female student on the rear.

He looks so young for his age that he passes for a college student.

He is a diligent student.

He studies three hours every day.

Ken, who is a graduate student, went to the United States last year.

The student action took the form of a boycott of university classes.

Not only the student but their teacher is looking forward to holiday.

The student nodded her head when asked if she understood the question.

As part of your student visa requirement, you must attend all classes.

Jason incurred over $120,000 in student loans while studying medicine.

Usually, I don’t change a student’s mark, but in this instance I will.

My sister, a university student, won first prize in the speech contest.

The university has a notorious reputation for its wild student parties.

Teachers are responsible for helping a student set the pace of learning.

Chen went to the American Embassy in Beijing to apply for a student visa.

The children were teasing the new student by imitating his foreign accent.

The unhappy student stared at the test, he had studied the wrong material.

The student’s excuse for handing his essay in late simply wasn’t credible.

You can get a discount fare for most flights if you show your student card.

I’m a selfsupporting student so I can’t have that sort of high class thing.

Now that my brother is a university student, he has to do a lot of reading.

The teacher frowned when the student told her he had forgotten his homework.

He’s just a normal junior high school student, not particularly intelligent.

He was an average student in high school, but really did well at university.

My daughter has been elected president of the student council at her school.

When I was a student at MIT I used to eat at a certain restaurant in Boston.

Our teacher must have studied English hard when he was a high school student.

The teacher made an insulting remark to the student after he failed his test.

The school board has sacked a teacher who tried to kiss a 14-year-old student.

This student is consistently finished her work before the others in the class.

It is completely unethical to pass a student simply because she is your friend.

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