scrapheap in a sentence

Use ‘scrapheap’ in a sentence | ‘scrapheap’ example sentences

1- This looks like somnething from scrapheap challenge .

2- And all tanning beds should be consigned to the scrapheap .

3- Links to these videos are on my scrapheap Challenge page.

4- Schlupp gets dropped and thrown on the scrapheap after one indifferent performance .

5- It’s the loudest thing I’ve ever heard on scrapheap .

6- I was ready for the scrapheap .

7- Another psychiatry creation I’d like to see thrown on the scrapheap .

8- So many years on , society is still chucking people on the scrapheap .

9- Butterworth , however, seems to me an obvious candidate for the scrapheap .

10- Collective salvation joins social justice on the scrapheap of discarded ideas having no Biblical support.

11- Guess Who Was On scrapheap Challenge?

12- He liked the way female models were thrown on the scrapheap by their late twenties.

13- But apprenticeships are also rescuing many from the fear of being left on the scrapheap .

14- The object can be tracked and identified till it ends up on an electronic scrapheap .

15- The Lady Techno model will put him and the Laymen in the scrapheap .

16- FORMER England Under-21 goalkeeper Brian Horne has been rescued from the soccer scrapheap by Middlesbrough.

17- In ” scrapheap “, Arcee went with Optimus Prime to the Arctic to investigate.

18- There ‘s still plenty more to go before this ridiculous case hopefully ends up on the scrapheap .

19- Wilko had an amazing ability to get the best out of players that were on the scrapheap .

20- ONCE a car to aspire to, Buick lost its lustre and was heading for the scrapheap .

21- The American critics quickly despatched it to the second-string scrapheap , but young cinema fans weren’t put off.

22- Sixty two Firefly engines were made in the mid-nineteenth century and not one of them has survived the scrapheap .

23- But British Motor Heritage, a Rover subsidiary, says it can now halt the inevitable drive to the scrapheap .

24- In a time not so long ago millions of pensioners would have reached retirement only to consigned to the scrapheap .

25- GCHQ has a tool named scrapheap CHALLENGE, with the capability of “Perfect spoofing of emails from Blackberry targets”.

26- Fraser’s relief at being able to resume a career that looked destined for a premature encounter with the scrapheap is manifest.

27- In the upheaval that was to come during the next 12 months, only the ECSC seemed to have avoided the scrapheap .

28- If a theory is formulated in such a way that it can be disproven with the right experiment, then it is a good theory because we can conduct that experiment and either disprove it (thus relegating it to the scrapheap of scientific history) or fail to disprove it, which will lend it weight.

29- The Master of Ceremonies will be actor Robert Llewellyn , a green vehicle enthusiast, best known for his role as Kryten in BBC’s Red Dwarf and for presenting Channel 4’s scrapheap Challenge.

30- The Construction Challenge is similar to the T.V show scrapheap Challenge where groups are asked to design or build something and are then asked to complete a task using the new contraption.

31- To be honest, by the end, it wasn’t entirely clear what any of the business plans were given that most had been systematically deconstructed and thrown on the scrapheap by Lord Sugar’s henchmen.

32- While most people will not mourn its loss, it is a stark reminder of how gasholders are being consigned to the scrapheap .

33- December 29, 2011 – The body of Githe Goines, a black 23-year-old trans woman who had been reported missing 2 weeks beforehand, was found in a scrapheap .

34- In the periodic economic crises, masses of people are condemned to the unemployment scrapheap , no matter what skills they may have; they are incompatible with the functioning of the bourgeois system, “collateral rubbish” that is swept aside.

35- He was interested in how people survived psychologically when they were thrown onto the scrapheap by a government who did not seem particularly interested in their fate.

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