positively charged in a sentence

Use “positively charged” in a sentence | “positively charged” example sentences

1- These positively charged ions are themselves highly hydrated.

2- Electrons are negatively charged with electricity, protons are positively charged.

3- The nucleus contains positively charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons.

4- Matter that attracts free electrons is positively charged .

5- Alpha particles – are positively charged particles.

6- An electrical conductor that is neither negatively or positively charged .

7- The hot plasma, conversely, becomes positively charged .

8- The electron is negatively charged, while the hole is positively charged .

9- The introduction of gallium had made the silicon positively charged .

10- What happens if the histone core becomes less positively charged ?

11- Anions are negatively charged ions while cations are positively charged .

12- If it is positively charged electrically, it will seek electrons.

13- positively charged ions were found to accumulate in the membrane.

14- Cationic liposomes are lipid molecules that are positively charged .

15- Because nuclei are all positively charged , they strongly repel one another.

16- Why does a nucleus, positively charged , not blow itself apart.

17- A set of positively charged electromagnet coils arranged in a polyhedron.

18- The PEM only allows positively charged ions to pass through its membrane.

19- The oxygen ions are negatively charged, while the hydrogen ones are positively charged .

20- This creates a region in the second object that is more positively charged .

21- It all starts with little positively charged spools called “histone cores”.

22- The membrane starts off positively charged , and chloride ions can pass through easily.

23- An electric field in the tube separated positively charged grains from negatively charged ones.

24- It, like the earth under a thundercloud, is positively charged .

25- Their nuclei is positively charged and the membrane coating their exterior is negatively charged.

26- This creates big new elements packed to the brim with positively charged protons .

27- Sodium becomes a positively charged ion.

28- Bacteria and viruses are positively charged .

29- For example, most metal centers are positively charged ions which exist as salts.

30- They are the negatively charged parts of atoms which orbit the positively charged nucleus.

31- According to the theory, negatively charged electrons within atoms orbit around positively charged nuclei.

32- In nature potassium is found exclusively as a cation ( positively charged ion).

33- Coulomb repulsion occurs between positively charged primary ions and the nuclei of surface atoms.

34- The place the electron leaves becomes a positively charged region , or “hole”.

35- It is very important to know whether the observed ions are negatively or positively charged .

36- The most common charge carriers are the positively charged proton and the negatively charged electron.

37- Cationic detergents : ionise in solution with the active ion being positively charged .

38- The lysine amino acid attached to the end of the histones is positively charged .

39- Why does one of the constituent protons not blow itself apart, being positively charged ?

40- In this model ball lightning is assumed to have a solid, positively charged core.

41- In other words, the colder body will be the anode, positively charged .

42- This partially positively charged hydrogen atom forms a bond with the other more electronegative atom.

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