positive influence in a sentence

Use “positive influence” in a sentence | “positive influence” example sentences

1- That is, a great positive influence .

2- Both were positive influences on and off the field .

3- Effective role models have a positive influence on youth.

4- That immediate circle had a very positive influence on me.

5- Axel was a major positive influence on my life.

6- A physically active and fit physical education teacher is a positive influence .

7- The positive influences that the School now provides are many.

8- UCA also had a positive influence in my life.

9- They have a really positive influence in their region.

10- So where can you go for positive influence ?

11- The current expenditures of RS have a positive influence on growth.

12- Doing so will increase the positive influence in life. 6.

13- Does he have a positive influence on his players ?

14- Finally, prison libraries act as positive influences in inmates’ lives.

15- Dive tourism can have negative and positive influences on coral reef ecosystems.

16- Tinkler had a positive influence at the Jets.

17- Mark Jansen: It had a positive influence .

18- Poor weather has had positive influences on the Irish way of life.

19- In many aspects, Polish culture had a positive influence on France.

20- Decide if you truly want a positive influence in life.

21- ItÂll be a positive influence to you. 3.

22- So there is a positive influence .

23- That is, any educational intervention has positive influence on level of knowledge.

24- These women are locked away in this prison, seeking a positive influence .

25- Too much of the positive influence seems to have been left behind forever .

26- Being able to change yourself for the better is a positive influence already.

27- Historian C. Vann Woodward sees this as a positive influence .

28- Not all supercouples inspire positive influence .

29- I see a tremendous positive influence in the character of Peter Parker .

30- These holy beads had a great positive influence on my physical and mental conditions.

31- I think that music can have a positive influence on our lives.

32- Franklin M. Henry was another researcher that had a positive influence on sports psychology.

33- She cites her parents as “supportive, positive influences ” in her life.

34- Luckily the objects with a positive influence are more numerous than the evil ones!

35- The above studies indicated that colour can have a positive influence on memory performance.

36- Confucius believed in the positive influence of human goodness for social and cultural improvement.

37- Both women have strong, positive influences on Sammy even after their deaths.

38- Parents presenting a positive influence should go through intensive parenting and close monitoring and supervision.

39- Together, these processes lead positive affect to have a positive influence on creativity.

40- Mother’s psychological well-being had a direct positive influence on children’s psychological well-being.

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