posited in a sentence

Use “posited” in a sentence | “posited” example sentences

1- He posited that each planet moved in a perfect circle.

2- His glance stayed posited on the spot.

3- Several writers have posited the idea of a universal consciousness.

4- The posited methods exhibit different mixes of inputs.

5- Four principles are posited to underlie social stratification.

6- Darwin never posited a process called ” evolution”.

7- Operator error was posited as a cause.

8- This distinction is therefore meaningful as posited by thought.

9- But when is a thing thus posited ?

10- They posited that pure abstraction could express pure spirituality.

11- There are various models posited to explain that .

12- Different forms of thought about such different entities are posited .

13- Therefore, he posited four original differences.

14- This is posited to bid the price up.

15- Two explanations for this phenomenon have been posited .

16- The Gemara posited that perhaps that celebration was different.

18- Such developments have also been posited in historical reconstruction.

19- He posited two kinds of science, observational and historical.

20- This is not inconsistent with the interpretation posited for overall controls.

21- Saussure posited that no word is inherently meaningful.

22- Others have posited that the material may have extraterrestrial origins.

23- It is posited as the diary of a methodical tracker .

24- The Gemara posited that perhaps refers to willful desecration.

25- In making these distinctions, they are not posited as exclusive.

26- He posited that the difference was the weight of the smoke!

27- Insular dwarfism has been posited to explain the brain size reduction.

28- The personality prefix is posited before or after the Discrete prefix.

29- Some have posited that the MMA fan base is systemically racist.

30- Scientists have posited various theories to explain the slipperiness of ice.

31- Zhang posited He 3 B as a potential topological superconductor system.

32- Critically, he posited that generals rarely improved with practice.

33- Karlan also posited that “timing was everything” in both cases.

34- It is posited after personality prefix.

35- Baxter posited that the medial -rj- cluster had blocked palatalisation.

36- Within the collective unconscious , Jung posited the existence of archetypes.

37- Norte posited that the language of the initiative was flawed and outdated.

38- For instance, the scenario posited by the movie Gattaca.

39- The UK strategic deterrent is posited upon the ability to obliterate Moscow .

40- In this schema, three main prerequisites are posited for globalization to occur.

41- Harris did not require the complex hierarchy of abstract structure posited by Chomsky.

42- Platonic Forms were the first universals posited as such in philosophy.

43- Then chubby aleve elevated liver enzymes posited boss loss fox for healthier bunk loss.

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