poseur in a sentence

Use “poseur” in a sentence | “poseur” example sentences

1- I am sometimes accused of being an inveterate poseur.

2- You look like a real poseur in your fancy sports car with your expensive clothes!

3- Some people admired him greatly while others considered him a poseur.

4- A worthy successor or a poseur in disguise?

5- Too many of its practitioners have been easily exposed as poseurs .

6- Hughie was a poseur of uncontrollable proportions.

7- Compared to others, I’m a poseur !

8- That’s where the poseurs get sorted from the chaff.

9- Meanwhile, Romeo insists hard on being a Wiccan poseur .

10- It was just so clear what stupid little white-boy poseurs we were.

11- Older than Francis and a poseur , he smiled languidly.

12- Jordan considered what an unselfconscious poseur Cabochon was at times.

13- It hardly the first performance poseur .

14- The art students were mostly a bunch of individualistic, head-in-the-sand poseurs .

15- Dennis no arriviste , no poseur or commercial exploiter.

16- Idol was also cast by many as a naive, tech-illiterate poseur .

17- They were later stripped of their award after being revealed as lip-synching poseurs .

18- Charlatans, intellectual poseurs , or unreasoning dolts.

19- He could play to the audience, but he was never a phony poseur .

20- Chavez was a revolutionary and that is what petty-bourgeois leftist poseurs will never understand .

21- Time and again the Marx Brothers championed fakes and forgers , poseurs and frauds.

22- Hartnack went on to observe ” poseurs are an incipient hazard in any unsophisticated society.

23- Earnest young poseurs deemed them to be art and the rest of us were bored silly.

24- So in additional to being an intellectual poseur and coward, he’s also a hypocrite.

25- Here , we do notice when people are arrogant patronizing poseurs , and we speak up.

26- He’s not a poseur pretending to be a gangsta; he’s the real thing.

27- He makes Bunthorne a good-natured poseur , and admits his dependency on adulation with endearing simplicity.

28- Apparently , the present “hipsters” referenced in the article are nothing but immature and phony poseurs .

29- His gummy smile is the rictus of a poseur second class ; his musk is of flop sweat.

30- Matt and Luisa then argue fiercely; she calls him a poseur , while he calls her childish.

31- He may be named only to be cursed as wanton and mocker, poseur , trifler and vagrant.

32- Please don’t compare these egotists and poseurs with the genuine fans of AFC Wimbledon and Bradford PA.

33- Yet Washington has always been a town full of poseurs , arrivistes, fame-seekers, cheaters and camera hogs.

35- By all accounts, he’s a decent, unpretentious family man in an industry filled with sharks and poseurs .

36- Anyone who stops the poseurs bumping around like fleas and leaves space for the folks who like music deserves a medal .

37- But with more hops and a Kölsch yeast , this poseur shook off the banana and clove characteristics of its roots.

38- They are the same disgusting poseurs that in the middle of a snowstorm come out with cross-country skiing on your block.

39- Such poseurs will come and go, draining little of our resources and spreading our fame (albeit by negative means).

40- They were pale and proper, politically-correct poseurs ; like characters out of a novel of Victorian manners, like The Late George Apley.

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