pods in a sentence 4

Use ‘pods’ in a sentence | ‘pods’ example sentences

149- This is most often useful when deploying pods that help perform maintenance and provide services for the nodes themselves.

150- This is similar to how drop pods used to function.

151- To be able to use real Mexican vanilla pods is an absolute revelation to the senses.

152- To enable custom metrics monitoring on GKE, you must configure your application pods to communicate with your Agent pods.

153- Using this controller, a Kubernetes node will only be able to modify the API representation of itself and the pods bound to this node.

154- Vault-operator recovers any inactive or terminated Vault pods to maintain the size of cluster.

155- Well explained, I’ve never used pods partly due to being anti nestle and also because I’m lactose intolerant and was always worried what was in them.

156- When people criticize the coffee pods – they never mention the reusable pods.

157- When the seeds are ready, the pods will be between two and three inches (five to eight cm) long.

158- Where it butts up against Apple in computer hardware, the most innovative tech hardware of 2016, it wasn’t the Apple Watch or it wasn’t the Apple pods, it was the Amazon Echo.

159- While the buns bake, make the syrup: Use the flat side of a heavy knife to crush the cardamom and discard the papery outer pods, reserving the seeds.

160- With groggy surprise he recognized the softening of the ice under his claws, a delicious wetness soaking the bottoms of his pods.

161- With morale suffering aboard the Resistance flagship Raddus, Rose Tico is given a prod and ordered to neutralize anyone trying to make a getaway in the heavy cruiser’s escape pods.

162- You could cache the page once it is constructed and clear out the cache when the admin edits the organization of the pods again.

163- You unlock the hatch and crawl in. Some people find the pods claustrophobic, but you like the cool metal container, the tight fit.

164- A fridge and stovetop are also featured, as well as a Dualit coffee maker with a small supply of pods and Marshall speaker.

165- “Another issue for development especially with regard to music-based pods is licensing rights, which will have to be worked out pretty soon.

166- As a continuation of this work, he have started research aimed at elucidating the physiological processes involved in the etiology of pops disease (production of fully grown pods with no seed inside) of groundnut.

167- BBC NewsFlotation tanks are dark, soundproof pods in which people float in warm water for hours at a time.

168- By masking the pods, the farmer will peel better thereafter.

169- Cocoa powder is one of the end products from processing cacao pods.

170- Components Of The Nigerian Mining … Location an Components Of The Nigerian Mining Industry amid the SUV pods and boring sedans of today’s page views and …

171- Consumers use plastic in some form every dayfrom soda bottles to laundry pods, single serve brew cups to bread wrappers and ties, car fobs to sunglasses; plastic is everywhere.

172- Duiker are almost entirely browsers, feeding on leaves, twigs, bark, young shoots, pods and fruit of a wide variety of plants.

173- Either you choose to be the barista and use the ground espresso coffee of your choice or use the E.S.E adapter and enjoy the E.S.E pods‘ ease of use.

174- Feb 22, 2017suspended aerodynamic racing pods Household sharing included.

175- Females lay egg pods of 12 large eggs, held together by an amalgam of sand and hard “glue”.

176- Flotation tanks are dark, soundproof pods in which people float in warm water for hours at a time.

177- Flotation tanks giant pods containing about 750 to 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt dissolved in 125 to 200 gallons of water boast many health benefits, including pain relief, stress relief and improved sleep.

178- Flowers are green-yellow (approx. 8mm across) and held aloft in pendulous clusters and followed closely by the large, bladder-like and yellow-green seed pods.

179- Folks looking for new ways to relax are giving float tanks sensory deprivation pods filled with water and a high concentration of Epsom salt another look.

180- For your comfort we provide guesthouse DSTv, uncapped wi-fi, all linen & towels, as well as coffee, tea (rooibos & regular), sugar, and milk pods.

181- Gutter Guards Gutters amp; Accessories The Home DepotClean mesh is effective gutter protection from pine Clean mesh is effective gutter protection from pine needles seed pods and shingle grit.

182- Heavy infestation during the flowering and podding stages may prevent flower formation and seriously impair the setting and filling of pods.

183- Here is a picture of the pods that i have harvested.

184- However, should you prefer some privacy, there are comfortable pods where you can collect your thoughts over a cup of tea, read, or even snooze should you wish to.

185- Im excited to be bringing float pods to the residents and visitors of Panama City Beach.

186- Innovative modular and bespoke designs for off grid small buildings – holiday lodges, garden rooms, boutique eco pods and treehouses, all handbuilt in Scotland.

187- It is also possible to find large pods of hippo’s and huge crocodiles in the Grumeti River.

188- Just pick the pods before they turn woody so that the plant keeps producing until frost.

189- Moderately ribbed, medium green straight spineless pods.

190- Most seed remains viable even after the pods have floated on fresh or salt water for over a month, potentially leading to spread between catchments.

191- No unpleasant surprises with double-sealed pods.

192- Olam does not currently see a need for concern this year about the Harmattan, the dry desert winds that usually blow from December and can damage cocoa pods.

193- On the whole liking our nespresso u – great little machine, easy to maintain and the auto puncturing/ejection of the pods is great for an intensely lazy person like me, pretty much flip and forget.

194- Pilots can now choose from a wide range of pod options – the interchangeable pods allow a customised level of durability and warmth in the air, and easy replacement.

195- Place evaporated milk, sugar, cinnamon sticks, 1 star anise, bruised cardamom pods, peel of orange and a pinch of nutmeg over medium heat.

196- Place the candles and decorate with pine cones, jacaranda pods, purple and pink florists’ ribbon, etc, but not with red, gold and silver streamers which are for Christmas when the Advent wreath can be converted into a colourful table decoration.

197- pods change from a light green and ripen to.

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