offered the post in a sentence

Use “offered the post” in a sentence | “offered the post” example sentences

1- One week later after further selections Richardson was offered the post .

2- Morris wrote endlessly and was even offered the post of poet laureate.

3- In 1913 he was offered the post of imperial meteorologist in India.

4- Howard had initially offered the post to William Hague, who turned it down.

5- Whitlam offered the post to businessman Ken Myer, who turned it down.

6- He then offered the post of Chiroma to his second son, Abdulkadir.

7- Boyle was offered the post of managing director of the Manchester District Omnibus Company.

8- Captain Riker subsequently offered the post to Tuvok until Commander Keru’s recovery.

9- He was offered the post of Prime Minister, which was to include being Controller.

10- In July 1703 the organ was completed, and Bach was offered the post of organist.

11- After some debate, the BBC swallowed its pride and offered the post to Sydney Newman.

12- He was interviewed, made a good impression, and was offered the post from October 1888.

13- Naturally it was assumed that its leader, Richard Mulcahy, would be offered the post .

14- He was offered the post of clerk to the Privy Council or of Ambassador to Savoy.

15- In 1949 he was offered the post of an Assistant Lectureship in Political science at the LSE.

16- Some claim that he was offered the post during the interregnum of 1892–96 and turned it down.

17- In the spring of 1969, Tracy was offered the post of Chief of Police in Moon Valley.

18- Tirpitz was summoned home and offered the post of Secretary of the Imperial Navy office (Reichsmarineamt).

19- When offered the posts of civil governor of Lerida and Lugo provinces by José Arrese, he declined.

20- To try to assuage Fox Newcastle had first offered the post to him, but with unacceptable conditions attached.

21- It is understood that he would have liked to have been offered the post of Leader of the House.

22- Hanegbi has been offered the post of Minister of Home Front Defense by Bibi as part of the deal.

23- Gair was offered the post of Ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, and readily accepted on 13 March 1974.

24- His reputation tarnished, Stadion tendered his resignation as Foreign Minister and the emperor immediately offered the post to Metternich.

25- However, Rubinstein’s brother Nikolai offered the post of Professor of Music Theory at the soon-to-open Moscow Conservatory.

26- Following Bennett’s withdrawal a number of other candidates had been unsuccessfully approached until Yeutter was offered the post on Jan. 3.

27- In late autumn 1939, Ryti was offered the post of prime minister, but he tried to turn down the offer.

28- Six seats would be allocated to Taylor, who was offered the post of Speaker and could make nominations for the cabinet.

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