each type in a sentence

Use ‘each type’ in a sentence | ‘each type’ example sentences

1- A separate list is given below for each type .

2- There are situations where each type of behavior is desirable.

3- each type of incontinence requires specific treatment approaches.

4- each type of energy has specific advantages.

5- each type of infidelity evokes different responses.

6- In addition each type has its strengths.

7- each type of test serves different purpose.

8- each type has specific strengths and weaknesses.

9- each type of fortress had different advantages.

10- each type of shower poses different installation issues.

11- The rates shown are typical for each type .

12- each type highlights a different verbal relationship.

13- each type of educational record is afforded different disclosure protections.

14- each type of weapon has different properties.

15- Always store each type of cookie separately.

16- Not every hearing practice has each type of hearing professional.

17- each type has a door for entering.

18- each type of certificate has advantages and disadvantages.

19- each type of orchid has its own personality.

20- Most recent data available for each type of event.

21- each type of anesthesia has advantages and disadvantages.

22- each type of fishing has different impacts on different salmon species.

23- Nor does each type of evidence carry the same weight.

24- What does each type have to offer?

25- each type of weight has a specific purpose.

26- A brief discussion of each type of facility follows.

27- Give several examples of each type of asset.

28- each type of test has advantages and disadvantages.

29- What benefits do each type of machine offer?

30- each type of incentive mechanism has advantages and disadvantages.

31- each type of charitable organization has advantages and disadvantages.

32- The data contents are specific to each type of controller.

33- each type of cell has its own functions.

34- Specific instructions for each type of request are provided below.

35- Create file folders for each type of monthly bill.

36- each type was used for a different purpose.

37- each type of solder offers advantages and disadvantages.

38- An example of each type of question is provided.

39- each type of protection has its own vulnerabilities.

40- each type of experiment has its own sample space. Scientists have determined that each type of dolphin specializes in catching prey that lives within its specific ecosystem.

41- And, of course, there’s racing, with dozens of events for each type of vehicle.

42- There were Talker variations of each type.

43- One pair of each type was feet ( m) diameter and the other pair of each type was feet ( m) diameter.

44- Men’s and women’s individual and men’s, women’s, and mixed team events will be held using the recurve bow and the compound bow, with one set of events for each type of bow.

45- Leads and bights A 3-lead, 10-bight Turk’s head knot, doubled each type of Turk’s head knot is classified according to the number of leads and bights and method of construction.

46- The USB standard reserves one endpoint of each type, leaving a theoretical maximum of 30 for normal use.

47- All Windows 7 versions now support up to four tuners of each type (QAM, ATSC, CableCARD, NTSC, etc.).

48- There are four basic shapes for the throat and mouth, corresponding to four vowel types, and five methods of articulating consonants, one for each type of consonant.

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