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Would prefer - rather

Would Prefer (Prefer)

prefer  / would prefer means "to like or want someone or something more than someone or something else" 

We choose one thing between diffferent options. We can use "prefer" in 3 different forms. 

Forms and Usage

Prefer something to something else

  • I prefer football to basketball.

  • I would prefer city to country.

  • She prefers tea to coffee. She would prefer tea to coffee.

Prefer to do something rather than do something else

  • I'd prefer to drink tea rather than drink coffee.

  • Tom prefers to stay at home rather than go to the cinema tonight.

  • They prefer to drive rather than go by bus.

Prefer doing something to doing something else
  • I prefer drinking tea to drinking coffee.

  • We prefer jogging to running.

  • They prefer driving to going by bus.

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