truant in a sentence

truant meaning:

n.) One who stays away from business or any duty;

n. ) one who stays out of school without leave; an idler; a loiterer; a shirk.

adj.) Wandering from business or duty; loitering; idle, and shirking duty;

v. i.) To idle away time; to loiter, or wander;

truant sentence:

The child was punished for playing truant.

A group of students have been truanting regularly.

Sandra got into trouble over playing truant from school.

The truants are questioned by education officers.

My father beat me for playing truant from school.

Why do pupils play truant?

The two became friends and often played truant together.

He was playing truant to avoid bullies.

I used to play truant to go to the beach.

Everyday 50,000 children are truant from school for no good reason.

I stopped vulnerable women being sent to prison for things like their kids truanting.

I found the truant throwing stones in the river.

The school says my child has been playing truant.

In my last year I played truant a lot.

Breaching school uniform policy, or playing truant should not lead to exclusion.

Mother gave me a dressing down for playing truant.

Children become difficult, playing truant and causing trouble at school.

She often played truant and wrote her own sick notes.

Litter boys play truant from school are unimaginative.

She later truants from school and visits Charlie.

The most recent studies show that over 1,000,000 children play truant from school every year.

It is bad news when youngsters begin to play truant from school.

A police squad has been out on the streets rounding up school truants.

Husbands will play truant, you know.

In his fourth year he was truanting regularly.

Solanas disliked her stepfather and began rebelling against her mother, becoming a truant.

Liam starts truanting from school and is brought home to Bianca by the police.

This project will examine the experiences and characteristics in early adulthood of people who had truanted when at school.

Up to half a million schoolchildren work illegally and play truant to earn money.

Breaching school uniform policy, or playing truant should not lead to exclusion.