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WH Question Words

How to use wh-question words with to be verb (am - is - are)

What are the wh question words and how to use them?

Wh Question Word Used for what? Example Sentences
what used for learning information about something What is this?
when used for learning  about time When is your birthday?
where used for learning  what place or position Where is Jane?
which used for learning about choice Which is better?
who used for learning  about person or people  Who is the man there?
whose used for learning  about ownership Whose are these notebooks?

why used for learning  reason Why are you sad?
how used for learning about manner How is your father
how far used for learning distance How far is London from Paris?
how many used for learning quantity (countable) How many girls are there?
how much used for learning quantity (uncountable) How much money is there?
how old used for learning age How old are you?
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