coup in a sentence

After each successful coup, military regimes abrogated existing constitutions and promulgated new ones.

The purpose is behind the effort is that the coup should not look like a coup and create difficulties for its plotters and abettors .

The Bolsheviks took power in Russia in 1917 in a violent coup.

The President was seriously injured in a coup attempt early this morning.

The leader of the armed forces has been implicated in the attempted coup.

The attempted coup in Sierra Leone has been thwarted by government forces.

The King sought counsel from his most trusted ministers over the matter.

The general population seems to support the coup which overthrew the government.

Iraq is ruled by the Baath Party, which seized control in a military coup in 1968.

The private homes of the leaders of the dictatorship were torched during the coup.

Find someone who comes from a country which has experienced a military coup.

The leader of the army has been sentenced to death for his part in the attempted coup.

There have been disturbing reports of human rights abuses in the country since the coup.

In 1964, one month after Zanzibar became independent, the ruling government was overthrown in a coup.

The Toronto Maple Leafs have scored a major sports coup in signing goalie Curtis Joseph to a new contract.

Conservative elements in the business community have been a powerful ally of the leader of the military coup.

In 1991, the military in Haiti ousted the country’s first democratically-elected President in a violent coup.

In February of 1991, Thailand’s armed forces seized power in a bloodless coup, and arrested the Prime Minister.

More than 300,000 alleged communists were killed by the Indonesian army following a failed coup attempt in 1965.

In 1954, Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz was forced to resign as a result of a military coup backed by the CIA.

News correspondents in the region have been summoned to the Royal Palace to hear the King’s reaction to the military coup.

The United Nations has refused to recognize the government of the military leader who took power in a bloody coup last month.

Chile’s democratically-elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown during a CIA-backed coup led by Augusto Pinochet.

In May of 1961, Major-General Chung-hee Park staged a military coup in South Korea, and ruled until his assassination in 1979.

The government fears a coup by the army if democratic reforms include prosecution of the leaders of the former military regime.

Political analysts have suggested that the majority of the population are supporting the coup against a very corrupt government.

Political analysts are trying to piece together the sequence of events which led up to the military coup which has shocked the nation.

The democratically-elected President of Chile, Salvador Allende, was assassinated in a military coup lead by General Augusto Pinochet.

The developers of Hotmail scored a major coup by putting out their e-mail program before anything similar had appeared on the Internet.

In February of 1981, an army lieutenant colonel and a group of civil guards burst into the Spanish Parliament firing shots in a failed coup attempt.

The leader of the military coup is hoping for recognition as the official head of state by neighboring countries in order to legitimize his position.

A military coup financed by the U.S. government resulted in the overthrow of the democratically-elected government of Salvador Allende in Chile.

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