agronomy in a sentence

After completing his military service he studied agronomy at Washington State University.

Gene was an agronomy major and graduated in 1975.

Plant agriculture is subdivided into agronomy , horticulture and forestry .

He enjoyable what your agronomy slippery about the quick dissolving periodontitis.

I have completed M.Sc in agronomy .

A variety of agronomy courses that meet degree requirements are offered online each semester.

European Journal of agronomy , 18, 369-372.

At the plantation, Kukkonen met with the agronomy team.

Dick graduated in 1939 with a BS Degree in agronomy .

Miguez is an assistant professor in agronomy at Iowa State University.

In 1925 he became professor of agronomy at the ETH.

To learn more about biodiversity, view the agronomy Journal article abstract online.

In 1930 he earned an agronomy degree from the University of Nebraska.

Name and tell about careers in agronomy , horticulture, and botany.

Masters of agronomy students can also choose between a variety of specializations.

It is hoped that with improved agronomy , they will replace less suitable cultivars.

Our team members bring a science and understanding of agronomy to our end users.

It is roughly synonymous with ecophysiology, crop ecology, horticulture and agronomy .

agronomy Journal 104:970-981.

Courses cover topics such as agronomy , nutrition, biorenewable systems and computer science.

Sarah Rider received a B.S. in agronomy from Penn State three years ago.

Dr. John Street remains a Professor of agronomy at Ohio State University.

Since then the area has supported active research programs in aquaculture, agronomy and horticulture.

The building was originally known as the agronomy Building, and contained a field laboratory.

However agronomy played its part.

In 1987 he enrolled in a graduate program to study agronomy at Iowa State University.

So Thursday 7th June saw the first of three National agronomy Centre open days.

This includes crop management, agronomy , crop insurance planning and assigning staff to various farming operations.

The subheadings include agronomy , organic farming, traditional agriculture, permaculture, and silviculture.

I came to Agrigold from eight years of retail agronomy sales in the Missouri river bottom.

NIAB TAG and Technology crops have developed a complete agronomy package for this new crop.

Actually, it was only in 1928 that agronomy and ecology were formally linked by Klages.

agronomy industrialized as well, in meat processing, packaged cereal products, and processed dairy products.

Agrigold also uses its agronomy team to record and fine tune each hybrids rating across our marketing area.

These lessons teach the science behind the USGA’s equipment testing, handicapping, and agronomy efforts.

The outside world remained uninformed about Chinese work in agronomy , pharmacology, mathematics, and optics.

Our starting point for triticale agronomy in high yielding situations is to treat it like a wheat crop.

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