weakness in a sentence

She presumed on his weakness.

He scolded her for her weakness.

His weakness cancels out his virtues.

Stop taking advantage of his weakness.

You’re taking advantage of her weakness.

Her weakness is that she talks too much.

Don’t take advantage of others’ weakness.

It is not a sign of weakness to refuse to fight a bully.

I have a weakness for chocolate.

I eat the stuff almost every day.

Symptoms of a stroke may include any weakness or paralysis in the face, arm, or leg.

He has a very limp handshake, which gives an impression of weakness and indecisiveness.

Treatment of your grandfather’s illness is being hampered by the weakness of his immune system.

She’s an excellent manager, but if she has one weakness, it is that she is too nice to people sometimes.

Don Robinson once said that one weakness of our age is our apparent inability to distinguish our needs from our greeds.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated that there is really no insurmountable barrier save your own inherent weakness of purpose.

Khalil Gibran wrote that tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.

Madame Swetchine once noted that we deceive ourselves when we fancy that only weakness needs support.

Strength needs it far more.

weakness brought on by a number of respiratory ailments had forced him just last week to announce that he was giving up his conducting career.

NekoKanjya Martin Luther King once suggested that the ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy.

Delegation by those in upper management is not a sign of weakness, but rather of strength in recognizing and benefiting from the skills and knowledge of those around them.

In November of 1970, Japanese writer Yukio Mishima committed public ritual suicide in protest against the westernization of Japan, and the weakness of its post-World War Two Constitution.

Doctors say that if you have a feeling of dizziness accompanied by headache, confusion, loss of hearing or changes in vision, weakness in the arms or legs, or numbness, you should call a health professional.

Carson’s biggest weakness may be a lack of specific policy proposals.

Oil prices ticked higher, shrugging off some weakness seen on Tuesday.

Use caution and stop if you feel any pain, weakness or lightheadedness.

If not, what was once thought to be a strength could end up a weakness.

Goldman’s analysts are looking for crude price weakness in the near-term.

Putin has this animalistic instinct of all dictators: He smells weakness.

407876 It says tears are for sissies, vulnerability is a sign of weakness.

Stock swings aren’t necessarily indicative of underlying economic weakness.

He emphatically states “it takes strength to be kind, it’s not a weakness.”

I could not let on that this was a difficult task, I could not show weakness.

Treasury bond weakened while commodities benefited from the dollar’s weakness.

The weakness is that you can’t apply this method to individual events, he said.

The time to buy gold is when everyone “knows” that gold’s weakness will continue.

Su said sluggish PC demand was the main reason behind the LCD industry’s weakness.

The weakness in the Chinese economy was impacting on other markets, Wiechers said.

Chinese zoo workers brought in a dog to nurse them instead, but two died of weakness.

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