turnbuckles in a sentence

Use ‘turnbuckles’ in a sentence | ‘turnbuckles’ example sentences

1- Players have been checked into the turnbuckles causing serious injury.

2- The opponent is often resting back first against the turnbuckles .

3- The turnbuckles allow us to tighten the wires.

4- Show catches Rollins as he comes off the turnbuckles .

5- Strong is able to run Richards into the turnbuckles .

6- Valentine climbed the turnbuckles again, but Piper pulled him down.

7- Instead, Rowe’s knees collided with the turnbuckles .

8- In combination with right-handed threads in turnbuckles and clamping studs.

9- In others there will be objects above all of the turnbuckles .

10- Sadly for Athena, she was suplexed against the turnbuckles instead.

11- Hart countered it into an inverted suplex slam from the turnbuckles .

12- Ziggler sends Bryan into the turnbuckles and punches Daniel .

13- RVD then climbed the turnbuckles , but Hardy shoved him outside.

14- Touch grinded around before sending Bennett crotch-first into the turnbuckles .

15- He then performed a belly to back suplex from the turnbuckles .

16- Remade the cables to position the turnbuckles at the tailwheel.

17- Bryan escapes the turnbuckles and he crotches Ziggler .

18- Eve goes to the turnbuckles and she chokes Natalya .

19- After this, Cage removed the padding from one of the turnbuckles .

20- Back in the ring , HHH whipped Eddie hard into the turnbuckles .

21- Barbi stomped Athena’s back to slam her against the turnbuckles again.

22- Each tie-down had two turnbuckles for tightening the wires as the building compresses.

23- Bubba climbed the turnbuckles but Tenta forced him to drop onto the top turnbuckle.

24- As he fell, his chest landed on one of the ring’s padded turnbuckles .

25- Chains and turnbuckles were placed around the car frame and hooked onto the rails and tightened.

26- Garvin smashed Bravo’s head in the turnbuckles a few times for a near-fall.

27- Placing the chair between the turnbuckles , Jimmy whipped Steen back first against the chair.

28- With the help of her partners, MsChif isolated and crushed Athena against the turnbuckles .

29- Keep these taut with turnbuckles .

30- During the match, Regal exposed one of the top turnbuckles to throw Jericho into it.

31- Cesaro tried to take Truth to the turnbuckles but Truth hulked up and fought back.

32- Jericho took control early in the match, and removed the padding off one of the turnbuckles .

33- Brown hit Duggan an Irish whip and smashed his head into the turnbuckles but Duggan no-sold.

34- Clay with an arm wringer from the turnbuckles followed by a big splash for the three count .

35- Similar to the double dropkick, both wrestlers execute missile dropkicks from adjacent turnbuckles onto a single opponent.

36- WrestleMania XXVII went off air with The Rock posing on top of the turnbuckles for the fans.

37- Three horizontal ropes or cables surround the ring, suspended with turnbuckles which are connected to the posts.

38- We quickly sent the tie down wires over the top plate and secured them loosely to the turnbuckles .

39- She batters her from pillar to post , then rams her face first repeatedly into the turnbuckles .

40- Rhyno dropped Benoit on the turnbuckles ( like the snake eyes move) and hooked a sharpshooter. Trim chains and shackles, or turnbuckles and pipe clamps, typically connect the lift lines of a line set to the batten they support.

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