tamandua in a sentence

tamandua in a sentence

1- Watch an anteater lick yogurt from a cup, and meet a tamandua !

2- The most commonly seen of Costa Rica’s three anteaters species is the Northern tamandua .

3- The giant anteater is grouped with the semi-arboreal northern and southern tamanduas in the family Myrmecophagidae.

4- Among the animals on display are Two-toed Sloths, Golden Lion Tamarins, Silvery Marmosets and Southern tamandua .

5- Two anteaters, the Southern tamandua and the Silky Anteater are found in Trinidad (but not in Tobago).

6- Both the giant anteater and the southern tamandua are well represented in the fossil record of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene.

7- Especially suited to ascending tree trunks are sun bears and tamanduas , the latter possessing a prehensile tail, something it has in common with the woolly monkey.

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