Talmud in a sentence

Talmud in a sentence

1- Some trends within contemporary Talmud scholarship are listed below.

2- This original Talmud passage has been concealed in translation.

3- These rules are discussed in the Talmud .

4- The Talmud is often cryptic and difficult to understand.

5- There are significant differences between the two Talmud compilations.

6- The Talmud Torah charitable agency covered their tuition expenses.

7- This text is called the “Jerusalem Talmud .

8- The commentary is comprehensive, covering almost the entire Talmud .

9- The older compilation is called the Jerusalem Talmud .

10- The Talmud teaches: “Who is mighty?

11- Talmud and Hebrew were studied at this school.

12- All four methods are discussed at length in the Talmud .

13- Participants spend the day immersed in Talmud study.

14- The above three are ruled as being exceptions by the Talmud .

15- The Talmud gives two different interpretations of this last phrase.

16- The burning of copies of the Talmud continued.

17- The Talmud represents the written record of an oral tradition.

18- It is considered indispensable to students of the Talmud .

19- This tradition is affirmed by several passages in the Talmud .

20- Talmud Torah schools continue to exist throughout the Jewish world.

21- They call them pigs, animals etc in Talmud .

22- The Talmud , however, rejects this hypothesis.

23- The Talmud teaches that God desires man’s cooperation.

24- In the late 19th century another trend in Talmud study arose.

25- We can find the same descriptions in the ancient Talmud .

26- Ezekiel 34:31 means exactly as discussed in the Talmud .

27- In this passage the Talmud discusses the power of true repentance.

28- Sources in the Torah and Talmud forbid similar cases.

29- Rashi in his commentary on the Talmud gives more details.

30- There is a real danger in Mishnah and Talmud .

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