tall ship in a sentence

tall ship in a sentence

1- A well-executed shot of a tall ship is a joy to behold.

2- A tall ship gives a community instant inspiration.

3- A tall ship is a disciplinary learning machine.

4- The tall ship community is fairly small and tight .

5- Life aboard a tall ship offers a unique learning experience.

6- tall ships turn lives around by offering a challenging opportunity.

7- Many different types of boats race this including tall ships .

8- This is the first lesson aboard tall ships .

9- tall ships were here in Finland last summer 2007.

10- A tall ship for training purposes helps leaders understand motivation management techniques.

11- Sail training is adventure travel aboard a tall ship .

12- You ‘ve enumerated their experience on tall ships .

13- The tall ship offers limited seating so bear that in mind.

14- Incredible tall ship race experience with full sails set!

15- The tall ship “Guayas” has its home base here.

16- Brest and Douarnenez both organise large tall ship meetings.

17- Coming up later some tall ships and a tall story.

18- Bounty was her first wooden tall ship .

19- Bounty was his first wooden tall ship .

20- Today, tall ships are used for self-discovery.

21- A three-masted tall ship visits Palmer Station.

22- Or the equivalent of wooden tall ships encountering an unarmed modern icebreaker.

23- Several experienced tall ship sailors refused to work with him .

24- Entry to both the museum and the tall ship is free.

25- The Soren Larsen is a magnificent traditional square rigger tall ship .

26- Svendsen had worked tall ships prior to Bounty .

27- July the Forth is always associated with tall ships in a harbor.

28- The tall ships have come to Owen Sound!

29- The annual Bristol Harbour Festival features displays of tall ships and musical performances.

30- What is the tall ship Connection?

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