stupor in a sentence

stupor meaning:

n.) Intellectual insensibility; moral stupidity; heedlessness or inattention to one’s interests.

n.) a state of unconsciousness or insensibility

stupor sentence:

High dose of medicine can cause stupor and coma.

The doctor coudn’t talk to the hospitalized victim as he was still in a stupor.

They both looked at the dead body with a mute stupor.

The activity outside roused him from his stupor .

Jim falls into a stupor when he learns the murder.

He was simply stunned into a total stupor.

The two were found in a drunken stupor in the hall and were arrested.

He drank himself into a stupor.

As the whisky took effect, he gradually fell into a drunken stupor.

He had fallen down in a drunken stupor and cracked his head.

This drug had me driving in a stupor where I could not fight hard enough to keep my eyes open.

Even a few heavy tackles in midfield could do little to rise players or spectators from their stupor.

Harold one day awakes from his usual stupor in front of the TV, to learn that trees in his neighborhood are being cut down.

In the fever there may be intense heat and patients go into a congestive stupor or sleep.

The patient continued to repeat and then suddenly sank into a stupor when he reached the prenatal area.

She was lying in a drunken stupor on the sidewalk.

The recent massacre in Acteal has forced the government to shake off its stupor, at least for a while.

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