spunkiest in a sentence

Use ‘spunkiest’ in a sentence | ‘spunkiest’ example sentences

1- The ultimate logging psychodrama comes from an esteemed Edna Ferber novel and features brawny men competing for the comely attentions of saloon singer Lotta (Frances Farmer, one of Howard Hawks’s spunkiest female leads).

2- I love the fragrance of growing marijuana buds, from the startlingly musky aroma of the spunkiest sativa to the almost appetite-inducing smell of “bubblegum” buds, some of which really do smell like Bazooka bubblegum.

3- One of the spunkiest SUV-type designs boasting plenty of room and plenty of power in the SUV market is gracefully displayed in the all new Nissan Dualis 2WD Hatch.

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