spunkier in a sentence

Use ‘spunkier’ in a sentence | ‘spunkier’ example sentences

1- As a result, Muzak has jettisoned the flavor of its past promotion for a spunkier , MTV-style approach.

2- But if you select Sport Mode, acceleration is notably spunkier , and the Volt becomes a pleasure to drive instead of a chore.

3- Ken Tucker of “Entertainment Weekly” felt that “As bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as it was in its first season, “Girls” may now be even spunkier , funnier, and riskier”.

4- Daniel Robson of “The Japan Times” described Supercell’s music as “sentimental J-pop…also explores the genre’s jazzier, spunkier and dancier elements.

5- Williams did, however, find Tiana to be ” spunkier than most princesses”, comparing her to Princess Fiona of the “Shrek” franchise, and reacted positively to Tiana’s portrayal as a tireless feminist restaurant tycoon.

6- David Brownie from “Entertainment Weekly” called it ” spunkier than one would expect from a dance-floor strumpet who loves to flaunt her lung power”.

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