split ticket in a sentence

Use ‘split ticket’ in a sentence | ‘split ticket’ example sentences

1- I ‘m an independent that votes split tickets .

2- Are we not allowed to split tickets any more?

3- But I havent been splitting tickets lately for a very good reason.

4- He was elected on a split ticket with Republican Louie B. Nunn.

5- split ticket voting occurs because voters often focus on the candidate, not the party.

6- Still , there aren’t many split tickets to be had in the Old Dominion.

7- However, at the state level, the pattern of split ticket voting and divided government holds.

8- You would need to buy these split tickets from the ticket office, not from the machine.

9- Rosselló challenged the electoral results alleging that split ticket votes, which had always been counted before, were now illegal.

10- When asked why they are Demo or Repub most answeres are “My daddy was and it goes way back in our family history.” I have always voted a split ticket .

11- The last time such a split ticket occurred was when Alfred DelBello ended up Mario Cuomo’s running mate against Cuomo’s wishes in 1982.

12- This creates a problematic ” split ticket :” three different ballot lines will have three different combinations of Paladino or Lazio and Edwards or Ognibene.

13- Montana politics historically were noted for the tendency of Montanans to vote independently, with split ticket voting common and for races to be likely to fall to either major political party, though certain regions of the state more predictably fell into one partisan camp or the other.

14- split ticket : A player can bet on two or more groups of numbers on a single ticket by circling the groups to be played.

15- a An earlier convention, held in Charleston, South Carolina, had resulted in a split ticket in the party. Rosselló challenged the electoral results alleging that split ticket votes, which had always been counted before, were now illegal.

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