plowman in a sentence

Use ‘plowman’ in a sentence | ‘plowman’ example sentences

1- The end of Piers plowman, Passus 15, makes this point at length-but it is also made briefly in one stanza in The Ploughman’s Tale (ll. 693-700).

2- ” John Pitts (1619) attributes Piers plowman to John Malvern, Henry Peacham (1622) attributes it to Lydgate.

3- Conversely, Piers plowman was preceded by and contemporary with a number of similar works in the 14th century.

4- plowman held off the challenge of Hinchcliffe during the race, with the Canadian driver running wide midway through the race.

5- Reed, Sydney ISBN 0589503839 Peter plowman (2004) Ferry to Tasmania : a short history Dural, N.S.W. : Rosenberg Publishing.

6- These inferences exceed the evidence, even if Piers plowman was politically sensitive, as many books were in the Tudor period.

7- ” W. W. Skeat believed that The plowman‘s Tale and the Crede were definitely by the same person, although they differ in style.

8- plowman captured a win at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course and finished third in points while Kimball failed to win and got fourth.

9- Crow Dog was represented by A. J. plowman and claimed that he had been punished and made reparations according to the customs of the Brulé Sioux tribe.

10- Gabriel Harvey ‘s copy of the Speght 1598 edition of Chaucer’s Works (BL Additional 42518) summarizes The plowman‘s Tale with the note “Ecclesiastical abuses.

11- The plowman does not look back but only at the marker at the end of the field and the previous furrow just plowed.

12- The unworked battles of Hillard flip plowman not worked engage charitably.

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