playable in a sentence

Use ‘playable’ in a sentence | ‘playable’ example sentences

1- Scientists have discovered the oldest known playable musical instrument in the world, a flute carved from a bird’s wingbone more than 9,000 years ago.

2- Last year, Google made its mapping page a playable version of the video game Pokemon.

3- High-stakes play The entire plot of Halo 5 is split down the middle between two playable characters.

4- The Hobbit : Armies of the Third Age is also playable on Kabam’s website and through the Google Chrome store.

5- He’s only playable in challenge missions.

6- He appears as both a boss and a playable character.

7- Kaede appears as a playable character the first time the game is completed.

8- The audio material is playable through a DVD-Audio player and standard DVD Players.

9- There are four playable classes: Human Arcane Archer, Elven Sorceress, Dwarven Fighter and Drow Ranger.

10- The song ‘Carry Me Home’ from the album was also featured in the video game Guitar Hero II as a playable song.

11- Eddie “Skate” Hunter (Sammy Hunter in BK2 and BK3) playable character in SoR2 and SoR3, the kid brother of Adam.

12- User has to be connected to Facebook in order to create a maze, otherwise the levels are only playable for fun and no mazes can be created.

13- Tika becomes a playable character at the end of chapter six, and Gilthanas, a new character, becomes playable at the end of chapter eight.

14- Game The game featured all of the playable characters from the first two MK titles ( Mortal Kombat and MKII ), as well as the hidden and boss characters.

15- Hawk and Animal are not initially selectable in the arcade version, but cheat codes exist to allow them to be playable (both together and separately) under emulation.

16- Tōdō and Yamada (Todd and Skip respectively in Street Challenge) were not playable characters in the Japanese version, Tōdō was simply the sponsor of the tournament.

17- Since her appearance, Birdo has been a recurring character in the series, more frequently in the Mario sports games as a playable character, as well as Mario Party titles.

18- Crash is a playable character in Crash Nitro Kart, in which he is abducted (along with other characters) by Emperor Velo XXVII and forced to compete in the Galaxy Circuit.

19- “Gasoline” is also a playable track in the video game ” Band Hero “.

20- They are playable by themselves and do not require any additional games.

21- Bari: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Keisu as a playable character.

22- Warhawk was also supposed to be playable, but was removed due to time constraints.

23- He appeared yet again in Yoshi’s Island DS as a playable character to recover his castle.

24- Tower of Cabin is playable only in Japanese and has yet to be translated officially or by fans.

25- Armored Core’s Nineball Seraph appears as a boss, but is playable in a extra mission with no pilot.

26- Police car and original cars become playable in Single Race and Drag Race modes by winning all tournament races.

27- Non-playable *Galahad – the 50-year-old former leader of Marion’s knights, Finn’s guardian and father of Percy and Annie.

28- The play The game is playable by any arbitrary number of players (the box stating that it “can be played by 1 to 9 players”).

29- In Climax Heroes OOO, these playable characters are also available as options for Kamen Rider Diend to summon during a match.

30- Measured by playable grid units, the player(s) can choose a map that is small (48 x 32), medium (96 x 64), or large (124 x 96).

31- The models can transfer recordings from the built-in hard drive to DVD Video compliant disc, playable in most modern DVD systems.

32- Ironclad can also be used as a playable character in the game if one of the U-Foes (Vector, X-Ray, Vapor) is used against the other.

33- Mary is also a temporarily playable character in Episode I. She appears in Jr.’s introduction when he has to infiltrate the U-TIC battleship.

34- Easy Mode – Draco Centauros To get yourself adjusted to the new rules, Draco has volunteered to turn from Arle’s rival to a playable character.

35- Weaver is voiced by Gene Farber * Sergeant Frank Woods (USMC) is not a playable character, but is an ally of Mason in most of the game’s levels.

36- Gameplay When the playable character is attacked by a monster, the game changes from a top-down perspective to a first-person view with a reticle.

37- He appears as a black large male (the first black playable character in the series) with a high and tight haircut and full beard, and an earring on his left ear.

38- This approach shortened the debugging process, allowing Lorenzen to add an entirely new level to the game, that would be playable after the initial game was finished.

39- The player had a choice of three different characters playable in 20 different levels (ranging from very easy to very hard) which contained different obstacles as well as bonuses.

40- Yue Ying / Getsu Ei / 月英 Further information: Huang Yueying Yue Ying debuted as a default Shu bodyguard in Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends before becoming a playable character.

41- Summary The playable characters of Pokémon Emerald.

42- Only playable in the Chaos path, antagonist on other paths.

43- Also appeared in NeoGeo Battle Coliseum as a playable character.

44- When a playable character loses all hit points, he or she faints.

45- This demo remained playable and available to the public until June 22, 2010.

46- Kyanchome: Gaining 50,000+ points total unlocks Bari as a playable character.

47- The game uses one or two 52-card deck(s) and is playable by any number of players.

48- There are even playable races based on cultures of humans as Barbarians and Gypsies.

49- Falco returned for Super Smash Bros. Brawl as both a playable character and a trophy.

50- A neighborhood in The Sims consists of a single screen displaying all playable houses.

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