pin in a sentence

pin meaning:

n.) A piece of wood, metal, etc., generally cylindrical, used for fastening separate articles together;

v. t.) to pierce or attach with;to hold firmly, so as to prevent motion.

n.) secret identification number for electronic accounts

pin sentence:

Please give me a safety pin.

The picture was held on by a pin.

He popped the balloon with a pin.

I pinned the notice up on the wall.

He pinned the name tag on his jacket.

A silver brooch was pinned to her lapel.

The secretary pinned the papers together.

The poster had been pinned onto a large wooden board.

The wrestler pinned his opponent to the canvas.

He picked all the pins up with a magnet.

Troop positions were marked with colored pins.

The map had a lot of little pins stuck into it.

Fasten the edges of the cloth together with pins.

The mantle was fastened by a series of wooden and bone pins.

We should use our secondary forces to pin down several enemy columns.

His black necktie was steadied by a gold pin the shape of a crucifix.

I cut it out and pinned it to my studio wall.

The map of the New York City subway system was pinned to the wall above his bed.

I’ve got pins and needles in my leg.

He always pins his destiny to other person.

Fasten the edges of the cloth together with pins.

The mantle was fastened by a series of wooden and bone pins.

Her hair was forever coming adrift from the pins she used to keep it in place.

I’ll keep the trouser patch in place with pins while I sew it on.

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