How tall in a sentence

How tall in a sentence

1- To within an inch, How tall ?

2- I really like those bars How tall are they?

3- How tall are you without your shoes on?

4- How tall should a 5 year old boy be?

5- How tall she had grown, and beautiful.

6- Then I ask How tall their clients are.

7- I forgot about How tall he is.

8- For example , How tall was the structure?

9- Robots are robots , no matter How tall .

10- How tall is a ‘tall’ man?

11- How tall can an Emperor Penguin become?

12- John then asks Myra How tall was Harvey.

13- The first thing I ask is ” How tall are you?

14- FB : Well How tall are you?

15- How tall should my pier be in my observatory?

16- How tall is the Tallest 5 year old boy?

17- How tall will we EVER be able to build ?

18- Hi Just How tall could a castle be built?

19- Should we also know How tall they are ?

20- How do we know How tall it is?

21- Steve , do you know How tall he is?

22- How tall you stand changes How you make decisions says new study.

23- Do you have any idea How tall he will be?

24- You might want to know How tall you will be.

25- How tall do you think the final stack is going to be?

26- How tall will my child be ?

27- Just How tall was Michael Keaton ?

28- How tall is the Washington Monument?

29- Diet:The diet you consider determines How tall you can be.

30- The calculateWindowHeight method determines How tall the FishEyeTable needs to be.

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